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Created December 9, 2011 04:50
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-- @author xueyu
-- @desc modify the prefix of table name in db
-- @example
-- use DBNAME;
-- show tables;
-- source ~/change_prefix.sql;
-- call change_prefix('old_', 'new_', 'DBNAME');
-- show tables;
-- drop procedure if exists change_prefix;
delimiter //
DROP procedure IF EXISTS change_prefix //
CREATE procedure change_prefix(IN oldpre VARCHAR(200), IN newpre VARCHAR(200), IN dbname VARCHAR(200))
declare done INT DEFAULT 0;
declare oldname VARCHAR(200);
declare cur CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema= dbname AND table_name LIKE concat(oldpre,'%');
declare continue handler FOR NOT found SET done = 1;
open cur;
fetch cur INTO oldname;
IF NOT done then
SET @newname = concat(newpre, trim(LEADING oldpre FROM oldname));
SET @sql = concat('rename table ',oldname,' to ',@newname);
prepare tmpstmt FROM @sql;
execute tmpstmt;
deallocate prepare tmpstmt;
end IF;
until done end repeat;
close cur;
end //
delimiter ;
-- 使用方法很简单,直接导入这个脚本,然后运行
call change_prefix('old_', 'new_', 'DB_NAME');
-- 即可,注意,脚本有删除change_prefix这句,如果你有同样命名的存储过程,注意去掉。用完之后,可以将这个存储过程删除掉。
-- 我们可以批量给数据库里的所有表加上同样的前缀,第一个参数留即可
call change_prefix('', 'added_', 'DB_NAME');
-- 同理,第二个参数留空可以去掉指定的表前缀。
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