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Created May 6, 2021 13:05
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import os
import gensim
from collections import Counter
import json
train_path = "./aclImdb/train"
test_path = "./aclImdb/test"
#simple function which read the data from directory and return data and label
# you can make your own reader for other dataset.
def reader(path):
pos_path = os.path.join(path, "pos")
neg_path = os.path.join(path, "neg")
data = []
label = []
for file in os.listdir(pos_path):
f = open(os.path.join(pos_path, file))
for file in os.listdir(neg_path):
f = open(os.path.join(neg_path, file))
# print(data[:1])
return data, label
def build_vocab(data, min_word_count = 5):
counter = Counter()
for line in data:
l = gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(line)
#initialise a dictionary or look up table
word2id = {}
word2id['<pad>'] = 0
word2id['<unk>'] = 1
# include only those in dictionary which have occered more than min word count in the entire data.
words = [word for word, count in counter.items() if count>min_word_count]
for i, word in enumerate(words):
word2id[word] = i+2
with open("word2id.json", 'w') as f:
json.dump(word2id, f)
return word2id
data, label = reader(train_path)
word2id = build_vocab(data)
print("Dictionary Formed and saved. The length of dictionary is-: ", len(word2id))
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