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Created July 18, 2016 11:03
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# Basic implementation of the monty hall problem based on
# Harsh Deep
# 18.7.2016
# This is a acceptable door configuration, :goat means that there is a goat
# behind and :car means that there is a car behind.
doors = [:goat, :car, :goat]
# These two variables hold the count of which choice would count as a win
stay_wins, change_wins = 0, 0
# The number of trials is 10000 per the problem, but the higher number, the
# greater confidence in the results
number_of_trials = 10000
# Here is the loop that runs the evaluation based on the above number
number_of_trials.times do
# Contestant picks a door
door_picked = rand(3)
# If the current door is a car it's stay wins, if not it's change wins
if doors[door_picked] == :car
stay_wins += 1
change_wins += 1
# Calculate probability
# The function to_f converts the win counts to floats for percentage calculation
stay_probability = stay_wins.to_f/number_of_trials * 100
change_probability = change_wins.to_f/number_of_trials * 100
# This part is just for the output.
# Note: puts prints string on screen, a puts command without anything after
# prints an empty line
puts "For #{number_of_trials} trails, the results are:"
puts "Stay wins: #{stay_wins}"
puts "Change wins: #{change_wins}"
puts "Stay win probabilty: #{stay_probability}%"
puts "Change win probabilty: #{change_probability}%"
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