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Created March 2, 2018 20:09
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Turing machine simple simulator
# Turing machine simulator - Inspired by Kill All Software screencast
# Guide to symbols:
# B: Blank. All the values of the tape are initally Blank
# L: Left. For the pointer to move Left
# R: Right. For the pointer to move right
# s{n}: State number {n}, ex. s1, s2, s3
def simulate(instructions)
# Initial state of the tape
# In actual turing machines, the tape is infinite, but in practice
# we can make it arbritarily long
tape = ['B'] * 16
state = 's1' # Well the init_state is not fixed, but close enough to the real deal
pointer = 0
# Run the Program (in the real machine, it's infinite, but I'm keeping 16 iterations)
32.times do
# Print the tape first
print tape.join('')
puts (' ' * pointer) + '^'
# Get value from pointer location
value = tape[pointer]
result = instructions[[value, state]]
tape[pointer] = result[0]
state = result[1]
shift = result[2]
if(shift == 'L')
pointer -= 1
pointer += 1
# Program to toggle the first location in the tape between B and X
instructions = {
['B', 's1'] => ['X', 's2', 'R'],
['B', 's2'] => ['B', 's2', 'L'],
['X', 's2'] => ['B', 's3', 'R'],
['B', 's3'] => ['B', 's1', 'L']
# Program to add two numbers
# Let's just do positive integers for simplicity
# First a simplistic representation of numbers
# 1: 1
# 2: 11
# 3: 111
# ...
# Now to add say, 2 and 5, the tape should look like this
# (11+11111)
# and result in
# (1111111)
# So basically the approach can be converting the plus into a 1,
# and then reducing the number of 1s from the left
# This is simple, but a proof of concept. Mathematically, the turing machine can do anything
adder = {
# First init the tape with the two numbers: [3, 4]
['B', 's1'] => ['(', 's2', 'R'],
['B', 's2'] => ['1', 's3', 'R'],
['B', 's3'] => ['1', 's4', 'R'],
['B', 's4'] => ['1', 's5', 'R'],
['B', 's5'] => ['+', 's6', 'R'],
['B', 's6'] => ['1', 's7', 'R'],
['B', 's7'] => ['1', 's8', 'R'],
['B', 's8'] => ['1', 's9', 'R'],
['B', 's9'] => ['1', 's10', 'R'],
['B', 's10'] => [')', 's11', 'R'],
# Now add the numbers, first go left until the add symbol
['B', 's11'] => ['B', 's11', 'L'],
[')', 's11'] => [')', 's11', 'L'],
['1', 's11'] => ['1', 's11', 'L'],
# Hit the add symbol and replace with 1
['+', 's11'] => ['1', 's12', 'L'],
# Go left until the opening bracket
['1', 's12'] => ['1', 's12', 'L'],
# At opening braket, replace with blank. Then replace 1 on right with opening bracket
['(', 's12'] => ['B', 's13', 'R'],
['1', 's13'] => ['(', 's14', 'R'],
['1', 's14'] => ['HALT'] # I recall some bs about a halt state, but idk the exact definition, so I'm just declaring an arbritary halt
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harsh183 commented May 24, 2020

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