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Created October 24, 2020 05:04
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Word Chain Game
import random, json, requests, string, sys
def game():
chain = 0
usedWords = []
answer_Word = None
chainGood = True
min_length = 3
while chainGood:
# if chain != 0 and chain % 5 == 0: min_length += 1
if answer_Word != None:
last_letter = answer_Word[-1:]
last_letter = rand_letter
turn = playersNames[((chain+1)%numPlayers)-1]
print('\n> %s\'s turn' % turn)
rand_word = random.choice(wordTypes)
article = 'an' if rand_word == 'adjective' else 'a'
answer_Word = input('Enter {} {} (of length > {}) beginning with the letter "{}": '.format(article, rand_word, min_length, last_letter)).lower()
url = '' + answer_Word + '/definitions?limit=200&includeRelated=false&useCanonical=false&includeTags=false&api_key=<--- Wordnik API Key --->'
response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
correct_type = response[0]['partOfSpeech'] if len(response) > 0 else ''
if answer_Word.isalpha() == True and answer_Word.startswith(last_letter) and answer_Word not in usedWords and len(answer_Word) >= min_length and rand_word in correct_type:
print ("Good job {}!".format(turn))
chain += 1
# print(' - Definition: ' + response[0]['text'])
print("The chain is now {} link long!".format(chain) if chain == 1 else "The chain is now {} links long!".format(chain))
else :
print('\n' + '-' * 50 + '\nWord chain broken! Why?')
if answer_Word.isalpha() == False: print(' - Only alphabets were allowed!')
elif answer_Word.startswith(last_letter) == False: print(' - "{}" does not start with "{}"'.format(answer_Word, last_letter))
elif answer_Word in usedWords: print(' - "{}" is already used'.format(answer_Word))
elif len(answer_Word) < min_length: print(' - Minimum word length requirement: {} (Word length of "{}" is {})'.format(min_length, answer_Word, len(answer_Word)))
elif rand_word != correct_type:
if correct_type == '': print(' - "{}" is not a genuine word!'.format(answer_Word))
c_article = 'an' if correct_type == 'adjective' else 'a'
print(' - "{}" is {} {}, not {} {}'.format(answer_Word, c_article, correct_type, article, rand_word))
chainGood = False
again = input(('\n' + '-' * 50 + '\nStart again? [y/n]: ')).strip()
if again.lower().startswith('y'): game()
print('Thank you for playing WordChain, Goodbye!')
wordTypes = ['noun', 'adjective', 'verb']
playersNames = []
print('-' * 50)
print(' ' * 10 + 'Welcome to WordChain!')
print('-' * 50)
numPlayers = 0
while True:
numPlayers = int(input('How many players (minimum of 2) ? : '))
if numPlayers < 2:
print('value must be a positive integer > 2')
except ValueError:
print(" value must be a positive integer equal or greater then 2")
count = 1
while count <= numPlayers:
playersname = input('{} {} {}'.format('Enter name of player', count , ': '))
if playersname.isalpha() == False:
print("enter valid characters from A-Z and a-z")
elif playersname in playersNames :
print("name already exists enter different name")
count +=1
rand_letter = random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
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