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Last active May 15, 2022 11:22
Google Summer of Code'17: Project Summary | Harshita Gupta | Open Event Frontend | FOSSASIA

GSoC 2017

Google Summer of Code 2017 Open Event Frontend, Harshita Gupta | harshitagupta30 - FOSSASIA


During this summer, I worked on the Open Event Frontend Project under FOSSASIA. The project enables the organisers to organise and manage events like conferences, meetups etc. and help them to customise the entire event according to their requirements. The idea behind the project was to build the Frontend for the Open Event Orga Server which is the API server and database for the Open Event Project.

Originally, both the frontend and backend were tightly coupled in the Open Event Orga Server which was efficient enough on the small scale but as the project grew larger with more features added to it, it became difficult to keep track of all the edits and the customisations of the frontend leading to complex codebase which resulted in the birth of new project Open Event Frontend by decoupling the frontend and the backend. The project has been developed using the JavaScript framework Ember JS while the UI/UX has been designed using the Semantic UI framework which helped us in creating a responsive and robust UI for the application.

Goals Achieved

The following goals were achived during GSOC 17:

  • Implementation of UI for all the routes using Semantic UI
  • Integration of APIs using ember data which includes implementation of
    • Speakers Call, sponsors API at public event page
    • Order- Statistics API for displaying all the order statistics related to an event
    • User API on admin pannel to display all the users
    • Pages API for creating customizable pages
    • Sessions API to events overview
  • Bug fixing and improving the UI by making modifications in existing design and making it responsive

App Screencast & Presentation Link

Youtube Screencast
Project Presentation link
Presentation link

My Contributions

Open Event Front-end Application

Repository link

Social outreach

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