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vrajroham /
Last active December 1, 2023 01:55
Installing Supervisor on AWS EC2 and Beanstalk

Installing Supervisor on AWS EC2 and Beanstalk

This gist may help you to install supervisor Manually on AWS Beanstalk host. I was enable to install and configure referring supervisor docs. Here are the steps by which I was able to use supervisor on my project.

Note: I have performed this steps on Laravel project and my instance was Debian powered. You can change according to your requirement.

  • Check python with easy_install is installed
  • Install supervisor > $ easy_install supervisor
  • Create directory for supervisor workers > mkdir /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
  • Create laravel worker file > touch /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-worker.conf
harshpatel991 / https-instance.config
Last active August 2, 2017 14:08
AWS Elastic Beanstalk config for signed SSL certificate using a single instance with Lets Encrypt certbot and apache.
# This will setup a hardened SSL/TLS for an Elastic Beanstalk application configured to use a single EC2 instance using Apache
# This configuration should get you an A on the Qualys SSL Server Test.
# This configuration will continue to serve unsecure requests on port 80.
# Be sure to verify you are using the latest version of your platform in Elastic Beanstalk.
# The following Environment Properties are *required* to be set:
# CERT_EMAIL - this is the email address passed to certbot-auto
# SERVER_DOMAIN - the DNS name that will be assoicated with the certificate (ex:

Template composition with inclusion

Every template language I have seen provides some mechanism for one template to include another, thus supporting the reuse of repeated elements like headers and footers. The included templates are called partials in Mustache parlance:

<!-- home.hbs -->
  {{> header}}
  <p> HOME </p>
  {{> footer}}