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Last active March 9, 2021 08:01
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  • Save harshvishu/17718239b7a802d2c1a622674e2da777 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save harshvishu/17718239b7a802d2c1a622674e2da777 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. file for rust blockchain blog
use crate::blockchain::Chain;
use rocket::*;
use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{sync::Mutex};
use rocket::config::{Config, Environment};
use rocket::response::{Redirect, Response};
use rocket::http::{Status, ContentType};
use std::io::Cursor;
fn index(_state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> Redirect {
fn chain(state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> Response {
let chain = state.lock().unwrap();
let response = Response::build()
fn mine(state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> Response {
let mut chain = state.lock().unwrap();
let mut response_builder = Response::build();
let result = match chain.last_block() {
Some(last_block) => {
let last_proof = last_block.proof();
let proof = Chain::proof_of_work(last_proof);
let previous_hash = Chain::hash(last_block);
let block = chain.new_block(Some(previous_hash.to_owned()), proof);
let result = json!({
"message" : "New block forged",
"proof" : proof,
"previous_hash": previous_hash,
"index" : block.0,
"transactions" : block.1,
None => {
.sized_body(Cursor::new("Unable to mine a new block"))
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TransactionRequest {
sender: String,
recipient: String,
amount: u64,
#[post("/transactions/new", format = "json", data = "<body>")]
fn new_transaction(body: Json<TransactionRequest>, state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> Response {
let mut chain = state.lock().unwrap();
let index = chain.new_transaction(body.0.sender, body.0.recipient, body.0.amount);
let transaction = chain.current_transactions().get(index as usize);
let result = json!({
"message" : "Transaction added to the block",
"transaction" : transaction
let response = Response::build()
fn resolve(state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> Response {
let mut chain = state.lock().unwrap();
let result = chain.resolve_conflicts();
let message = if result { "Our chain was replaced" } else { "Our chain is authoritative" };
let result = json!({
"message" : message.to_string(),
"chain" : chain.to_json()
let response = Response::build()
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct NodeRequest {
nodes: Vec<String>
#[post("/nodes/register", format = "json", data = "<body>")]
fn register_node(body: Json<NodeRequest>, state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> Response {
let mut chain = state.lock().unwrap();
body.nodes.iter().for_each(|node| chain.register_node(node));
let result = json!({
"message" : format!("New nodes have been added"),
"nodes": chain.nodes()
let response = Response::build()
fn nodes(state: State<Mutex<Chain>>) -> JsonValue {
let chain = state.lock().unwrap();
Starting the web server:
We will deploy the server at
pub fn rocket() -> rocket::Rocket {
let chain = Mutex::new(Chain::new());
let config = Config::build(Environment::Staging)
.mount("/", routes![index, chain, mine, new_transaction, resolve, register_node, nodes])
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