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Last active April 30, 2017 17:50
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Hi Rick,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I discussed the same argument with Ankit Aggarwal, and here are my counter-arguments:

  • It seems to me like the survey should take into account the developer population using each tool. If we are doing such a survey to see what tool a programmer coming to Swift is coming from, there is much less chance he has previous knowledge of rebar3 than of npm. The majority of the ones which are widely used seem to use install: I’ve updated the survey bellow by ordering them by stars on GitHub. It’s a crude approximation of developer population, but I think it’s good enough for us.
  • If we do end up implementing install to mean install to the system, how would we update the system packages?
    • Solution 1 would be to add a —system/—global flag on update. In that case, that would bring inconsistency by using two different commands to “install/resolve” and one command but different flags for updating.
    • Solution 2 would be to introduce a different command to update, for example upgrade. In that case, we get into the scenario of Homebrew, where two synonymous commands (update and upgrade) are used to do two different things (I have a hard time remembering which is which).

As can be seen in the table bellow, all package managers which offer both an installation for the local project and for the system always use the same commands names for both. I would vote for a system where:

  • install [package]: resolves and fetches one or all packages locally in the project
  • install —system package: fetches and installs a specific package in the system
  • update [package]: resolves and updates one or all packages locally in the project
  • update —system package: updates a specific package in the system

Here is the same survey you did, but with more information:

Package Manager GitHub Stars Language Resolved File Name Local Install Command Local Update Command System Install Command System Update Command
Yarn 24711 JS yarn.lock install upgrade global install global upgrade
NPM 12214 JS npm-shrinkwrap.json install update install -g update -g
CocoaPods 9328 ObjC/Swift Podfile.lock install update N/A N/A
Carthage 9320 ObjC/Swift Cartfile.resolved bootstrap update N/A N/A
Composer 9313 PHP composer.lock install update N/A N/A
Glide 4349 Go glide.lock install update N/A N/A
Bundler 3771 Ruby Gemfile.lock install update install (with gem) update (with gem)
Pip 3555 Python requirements.txt N/A N/A install install --upgrade
Cargo 2206 Rust Cargo.lock N/A update N/A N/A
rebar3 622 Erlang rebar.lock get-deps upgrade N/A N/A
Carton 393 Perl carton.lock install update N/A N/A
Pub 40 Dart pubspec.lock get upgrade N/A N/A
Meteor N/A (1) JS versions add update N/A N/A
Mix N/A (2) Elixir mix.lock deps.get deps.update N/A N/A
  1. We only have the number of GitHub stars for the the whole Meteor project (37255) - so are not easily comparable with the stars for other package manager projects in the list.
  2. We only have the number of GitHub stars for the the whole Elixir project (9928) - so are not easily comparable with the stars for other package manager projects in the list.
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