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Last active February 9, 2017 18:10
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Save hartez/2559086873b3e75875e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell script to pull email body text out of GMVault
$emails = @()
$gmvaultdb = "[path to your gmvault data]"
$total = (Get-ChildItem $gmvaultdb -Recurse -Filter *.eml | measure).Count
Add-Type -Path "MimeKit.\lib\net45\MimeKit.dll"
$formats = @{
[MimeKit.Text.TextFormat]::Text = 0;
[MimeKit.Text.TextFormat]::Flowed = 0;
[MimeKit.Text.TextFormat]::Html = 0;
[MimeKit.Text.TextFormat]::Enriched = 0;
[MimeKit.Text.TextFormat]::RichText = 0;
[MimeKit.Text.TextFormat]::CompressedRichText = 0
$unknownFormat = 0
Get-ChildItem $gmvaultdb -Recurse -Filter *.eml | ForEach-Object {$i=0} {
Write-Host "Processing $_ ($i of $total)"
$mimeMessage = [MimeKit.MimeMessage]::Load($_.FullName)
$mimeMessage.From.ToString() -match '"\s<(.*)>$' | Out-Null;
$fromEmail = $Matches[1]
$bodyText = $null
$actualFormat = $null
# Run through all the enumeration values
# The pipe through sort ensures that we check them in the enum order,
# which is great because we prefer text over flowed over HTML, etc.
$formats.Keys | sort | % {
# try each Format until we find one that works
if($actualFormat -eq $null) {
# Try to get the body in the current format
$bodyText = $mimeMessage.GetTextBody($_)
if($bodyText) {
$actualFormat = $_
if($actualFormat -eq $null) {
$unknownFormat += 1;
$actualFormat = "Unknown"
} else {
$formats[$actualFormat] += 1;
$props = @{
Id = $mimeMessage.MessageId
To = $mimeMessage.To.ToString()
From = $mimeMessage.From.ToString()
FromEmail = $fromEmail
Subject = $mimeMessage.Subject
Body = $bodyText
Format = $actualFormat
$emails += (New-Object PSObject -Property $props)
$emails | Select Id, To, From, FromEmail, Subject, Body, Format | Export-Csv bodytext.csv -NoTypeInformation
$formats.Keys | sort | % { Write-Host "There were"($formats[$_])"emails in $_ format" }
Write-Host "There were $unknownFormat emails with an indeterminate format"
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