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Created August 2, 2011 13:29
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JavaScript dependency resolver
Determines the order in which JavaScript files should be concatenated by
scanning JSLint /*global ... */ declarations.
import re
import sys
### Graph construction
def slurp(filename):
with open(filename) as f: return
DEPS_RE = re.compile(r'/\*global ([^*]+)\*/', re.M)
def js_dependencies(filename):
"Finds a script's dependencies as declared in a /*global...*/ block."
match =
return match and [dep.strip().split(':')[0] for dep in',')]
def declaration_re(js_identifiers):
"Constructs a regexp that matches declarations of JavaScript identifiers."
return re.compile(r'^var [^;]%(names)s|^function %(names)s' %
{'names': r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(js_identifiers)}, re.M)
def declaring_scripts(js_identifiers, filenames):
"Finds the scripts that declare one or more of `js_identifiers'."
if not js_identifiers: return []
decl_re = declaration_re(js_identifiers)
decls = {}
for f in filenames:
matches = decl_re.findall(slurp(f))
if matches: decls[f] = [m[1] for m in matches]
return decls
def dependency_graph(filenames):
"Returns a map of filenames to their dependencies."
graph = {}
for f in filenames:
others = filenames[:]
graph[f] = set(declaring_scripts(js_dependencies(f), others))
return graph
### Graph utilities
def circular_ref(node, graph, path=None):
deps = graph[node]
if not deps:
# resolved all dependencies
return None
path = [] if path is None else path[:]
for dep in deps:
if dep in path:
circular = path[path.index(dep):]
return circular
circular = circular_ref(dep, graph, path)
if circular:
return circular
def check_circular_refs(graph):
"Returns true if a graph contains any direct or indirect circular references."
for node in graph:
path = circular_ref(node, graph)
if path:
raise Exception('circular dependency: %s' % ' -> '.join(path))
### Determine script output order
def insertion_index(filename, graph, order):
deps = set(order).intersection(graph[filename])
return 0 if not deps else max(order.index(dep) for dep in deps) + 1
# XXX: this seems very inefficient - there's probably a better way to do it
def order_insert(filename, graph, order):
index = insertion_index(filename, graph, order)
order.insert(index, filename)
# did this invalidate any indirect dependencies?
invalidated = [f for f in order
if order.index(f) < insertion_index(f, graph, order)]
for invalid in invalidated:
order_insert(invalid, graph, order)
def concatenation_order(graph):
Determines the order in which files must be concatenated to satisfy all
dependencies. Each file is inserted after all its dependencies. If this
invalidates the order, the dependencies of the inserted file are recursively
order = []
for f in graph:
order_insert(f, graph, order)
return order
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ' '.join(concatenation_order(dependency_graph(sys.argv[1:])))
ALL=$(wildcard src/*.js)
pacman.js: $(ALL)
cat `python tools/ $(ALL)` >pacman.js
rm pacman.js
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