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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save hartzell/340be49b42e20a76459b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hartzell/340be49b42e20a76459b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build a table of exons that belong to more than one mRNA (exon name, {list of mRNA names}). Written as an excuse to play with common table expressions.
-- An exercise in Common Table Expessions. There are probably
-- faster solutions....
-- Run this against Flybase and discover the exons that belong
-- to more than one transcripts.
-- exon_name | transcripts
-- 14-3-3epsilon:1 | {14-3-3epsilon-RB,14-3-3epsilon-RD}
-- 14-3-3epsilon:2 | {14-3-3epsilon-RA,14-3-3epsilon-RC}
-- 14-3-3epsilon:3 | {14-3-3epsilon-RA,14-3-3epsilon-RB,14-3-3...
-- collect a bit of cvterm info
exon(cvterm_id, name) as
(select cvterm_id, name from cvterm where name = 'exon'),
mrna(cvterm_id, name) as
(select cvterm_id, name from cvterm where name = 'mRNA'),
partof(cvterm_id, name) as
(select cvterm_id, name from cvterm where name = 'partof'),
-- table full of (exon, partof, mrna)-ish tuples
features(e_feature_id, e_name, partof_term_name, m_feature_id, m_name) as
(select e.feature_id,,,
from feature e, feature m, feature_relationship fr,
exon exon_term, mrna mrna_term, partof partof_term
where e.type_id = exon_term.cvterm_id
and m.type_id = mrna_term.cvterm_id
and fr.subject_id = e.feature_id
and fr.object_id = m.feature_id
and fr.type_id = partof_term.cvterm_id
-- collect exon feature_id's and count of mrna they're partof
exons(e_feature_id, count) as
(select e_feature_id, count(*) from features group by e_feature_id
-- snag the setset that are partof more than one mrna
reused_exons(e_feature_id, count) as
(select e_feature_id, count from exons where count > 1
-- build a table the way we like it (aggresgate the mrna's)
output(exon_name, transcripts) as
(select f.e_name as exon_name, array_agg(f.m_name) as transcripts
from reused_exons r, features f
where r.e_feature_id = f.e_feature_id group by f.e_name
select * from output order by exon_name limit 100;
-- select count(*) from output;
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