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Last active February 7, 2021 14:03
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var x = new Variable(3f);
var y = x ^ 3f; // = Math.Pow(x, 3f);
y.Backward(createGraph: true);
var gy = x.Grad;
Console.WriteLine("gy:" + gy.Data);
gy.Backward(createGraph: true);
var ggy = x.Grad;
Console.WriteLine("ggy:" + ggy.Data);
ggy.Backward(createGraph: true);
var gggy = x.Grad;
Console.WriteLine("gggy" + gggy.Data);
class BackpropConfig : IDisposable
bool saveEnable;
public static bool Enable = true;
public BackpropConfig(bool enable)
saveEnable = Enable;
Enable = enable;
public void Dispose()
Enable = saveEnable;
class Variable
public float Data;
public string Name;
public Variable Grad;
private Function Creator;
public int Generation;
public Variable(float data, string name = "")
this.Data = data;
this.Name = name;
this.Grad = null;
this.Creator = null;
this.Generation = 0;
public void SetCreator(Function func)
this.Creator = func;
this.Generation = func.Generation + 1;
public void ClearGrad()
this.Grad = null;
public void Backward(bool retainGrad = false, bool createGraph = false)
if (this.Grad == null)
this.Grad = new Variable(1f);
List<Function> funcs = new List<Function> {this.Creator};
while (funcs.Count != 0)
Function f = funcs[funcs.Count - 1];
funcs.RemoveAt(funcs.Count - 1);
Variable[] y = f.Outputs;
Variable[] gys = new Variable[y.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < gys.Length; i++)
gys[i] = y[i].Grad;
using (new BackpropConfig(createGraph))
Variable[] gx = f.Backward(gys);
Variable[] x = f.Inputs;
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
if (x[i].Grad == null)
x[i].Grad = gx[i];
x[i].Grad += gx[i];
if (x[i].Creator != null)
if (funcs.Count == 0)
Function creator = x[i].Creator;
for (int j = 0; j < funcs.Count; j++)
if (funcs[j] == creator)
if (funcs[j].Generation >= creator.Generation)
funcs.Insert(j, creator);
if (!retainGrad)
for (int i = 0; i < y.Length; i++)
y[i].Grad = null;
public static implicit operator Variable(float d)
return new Variable(d);
public static Variable operator -(Variable a)
return Function.Neg(a);
public static Variable operator +(Variable a, Variable b)
return Function.Add(a, b);
public static Variable operator -(Variable a, Variable b)
return Function.Sub(a, b);
public static Variable operator *(Variable a, Variable b)
return Function.Mul(a, b);
public static Variable operator /(Variable a, Variable b)
return Function.Div(a, b);
public static Variable operator ^(Variable a, float b)
return Function.Pow(a, b);
abstract class Function
public Variable[] Inputs;
public Variable[] Outputs;
public int Generation = 0;
private Variable[] Call(params Variable[] inputs)
float[] xs = new float[inputs.Length];
if (BackpropConfig.Enable)
for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)
xs[i] = inputs[i].Data;
for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)
xs[i] = inputs[i].Data;
if (this.Generation < inputs[i].Generation)
this.Generation = inputs[i].Generation;
float[] ys = this.Forward(xs);
Variable[] outputs = new Variable[ys.Length];
if (BackpropConfig.Enable)
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
outputs[i] = new Variable(ys[i]);
this.Outputs = outputs;
this.Inputs = inputs;
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
outputs[i] = new Variable(ys[i]);
return outputs;
protected abstract float[] Forward(float[] x);
public abstract Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy);
public static Variable Neg(Variable x)
return new Neg().Call(x)[0];
public static Variable Add(Variable x0, Variable x1)
return new Add().Call(x0, x1)[0];
public static Variable Sub(Variable x0, Variable x1)
return new Sub().Call(x0, x1)[0];
public static Variable Mul(Variable x0, Variable x1)
return new Mul().Call(x0, x1)[0];
public static Variable Div(Variable x0, Variable x1)
return new Div().Call(x0, x1)[0];
public static Variable Pow(Variable x, float c)
return new Pow(c).Call(x)[0];
class Neg : Function
protected override float[] Forward(float[] x)
return new[] { -x[0] };
public override Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy)
return new[] { -gy[0] };
class Add : Function
protected override float[] Forward(float[] x)
return new[] { x[0] + x[1] };
public override Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy)
return new[] { gy[0], gy[0] };
class Sub : Function
protected override float[] Forward(float[] x)
return new[] { x[0] - x[1] };
public override Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy)
return new[] { gy[0], -gy[0] };
class Mul : Function
protected override float[] Forward(float[] x)
return new[] { x[0] * x[1] };
public override Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy)
return new[] { gy[0] * this.Inputs[1], gy[0] * this.Inputs[0] };
class Div : Function
protected override float[] Forward(float[] x)
return new[] { x[0] / x[1] };
public override Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy)
return new[] { gy[0] * this.Inputs[1], gy[0] * (-this.Inputs[0] / Pow(this.Inputs[1], 2f)) };
class Pow : Function
private float c;
public Pow(float c)
this.c = c;
protected override float[] Forward(float[] x)
return new[] { MathF.Pow(x[0], c) };
public override Variable[] Backward(Variable[] gy)
return new[] { c * Pow(this.Inputs[0], c - 1) * gy[0] };
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