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Last active April 7, 2022 12:37
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#lang racket/base
(require racket/format)
(require racket/list)
(require racket/vector)
; command line helpers
(define help-message
"ratio: CLIP STUDIO用比率簡約化ツール
usage 1: ratio rate <width1> <length1> <width2> <length2>
<width1>, <length1>, <width2>, <length2>には小数を入力します。
幅、長さが<width2>, <length2>の長方形が、
幅、長さが<width1>, <length1>の長方形に対して
usage 2: ratio search <width> <length>
<width>, <length>には小数を入力します。
(define (displayln-error str)
(displayln str (current-error-port))
(define args (current-command-line-arguments))
(define (args= n) (= (vector-length args) n))
; parser for floating point numbers
(define (read-from-string s)
(define p (open-input-string s))
(define res (read p))
(close-input-port p)
(define (floating-point-format? s)
(cond ((string=? s ".") #f)
((string=? s "") #f)
(else (regexp-match? #rx"^[0-9]*(|\\.)[0-9]*$" s))))
(define (string->exact s)
(define (err)
(fprintf (current-error-port)
"ERROR: ~sは小数ではありません~n"
(unless (floating-point-format? s) (err))
(define res (read-from-string (string-append "#e" s)))
(unless (exact? res) (err))
; distortion rate
(define (get-shrink-distortion-rate a b c d)
(define ad (* a d))
(define bc (* b c))
(define det (- ad bc))
((= det 0) 0)
((> det 0) (/ det ad))
(else (- (/ det bc)))))
; search algorithm
(define step #e0.1)
(define (get-smaller-c a b d)
(* (floor (/ (/ (* a d) b) step)) step))
(define (get-greater-c a b d)
(* (ceiling (/ (/ (* a d) b) step)) step))
(define (in-range? x)
(and (> x 0) (<= x 10)))
(define (exact-zero? x)
(and (exact? x) (zero? x)))
(define large-number 10000)
(define (search-c-and-d a b)
(define (smaller min-rate min-c min-d lst greater)
(define d (first lst))
(define c (get-smaller-c a b d))
(define rate (get-shrink-distortion-rate a b c d))
(define swapping (and (in-range? c) (< (abs rate) (abs min-rate))))
(if (exact-zero? rate)
(list c d)
(greater (if swapping rate min-rate)
(if swapping c min-c)
(if swapping d min-d)
(define (greater min-rate min-c min-d lst)
(define d (first lst))
(define c (get-greater-c a b d))
(define rate (get-shrink-distortion-rate a b c d))
(define swapping (and (in-range? c) (< (abs rate) (abs min-rate))))
(cond ((exact-zero? rate) (list c d))
((null? (rest lst))
(list (if swapping c min-c)
(if swapping d min-d)))
(else (smaller (if swapping rate min-rate)
(if swapping c min-c)
(if swapping d min-d)
(rest lst)
(smaller large-number
(range #e0.1 #e10.1 #e0.1)
; main code
(define (when-rate)
(unless (args= 5) (displayln-error "引数の数が不正です"))
(define a (string->exact (vector-ref args 1)))
(define b (string->exact (vector-ref args 2)))
(define c (string->exact (vector-ref args 3)))
(define d (string->exact (vector-ref args 4)))
(define rate (get-shrink-distortion-rate a b c d))
(printf "縮小歪み率: ~a ( ~a % ) [ ~a ]~n"
(~r rate #:precision 5)
(~r (* rate 100) #:precision 1)
(define (when-search)
(unless (args= 3) (displayln-error "引数の数が不正です"))
(define a (string->exact (vector-ref args 1)))
(define b (string->exact (vector-ref args 2)))
(define res (search-c-and-d a b))
(define c (first res))
(define d (second res))
(when (= c large-number) (displayln-error "解を見つけることができませんでした"))
(printf "近似長方形の幅: ~a, 長さ: ~a~n"
(~r c #:precision 1)
(~r d #:precision 1))
(define rate (get-shrink-distortion-rate a b c d))
(printf "縮小歪み率: ~a ( ~a % ) [ ~a ]~n"
(~r rate #:precision 5)
(~r (* rate 100) #:precision 1)
(when (vector-empty? args) (displayln-error help-message))
(define arg0 (vector-ref args 0))
(cond ((string=? arg0 "rate") (when-rate))
((string=? arg0 "search") (when-search))
(else (displayln-error help-message)))
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