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Last active February 16, 2021 02:24
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  • Save hasantayyar/694c86f6ae10df9384f340ee14b74595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hasantayyar/694c86f6ae10df9384f340ee14b74595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extracte the state machien svg graph library from aws bundle
/*global dagreD3*/
/*global d3*/
/*global WheelEvent*/
/*global window */
(function () {
"use strict";
var module = angular.module("WorkflowGraph", []);
function intersectRect(node, point) {
var x = node.x;
var y = node.y;
// Rectangle intersection algorithm from:
var dx = point.x - x;
var dy = point.y - y;
var w = node.width / 2;
var h = node.height / 2;
var sx, sy;
if (Math.abs(dy) * w > Math.abs(dx) * h) {
// Intersection is top or bottom of rect.
if (dy < 0) {
h = -h;
sx = dy === 0 ? 0 : h * dx / dy;
sy = h;
} else {
// Intersection is left or right of rect.
if (dx < 0) {
w = -w;
sx = w;
sy = dx === 0 ? 0 : w * dy / dx;
return [{x: x + sx, y: y + sy}];
function intersectEllipse(node, rx, ry, point) {
// Formulae from:
var cx = node.x;
var cy = node.y;
var px = cx - point.x;
var py = cy - point.y;
var det = Math.sqrt(rx * rx * py * py + ry * ry * px * px);
var dx = Math.abs(rx * ry * px / det);
if (point.x < cx) {
dx = -dx;
var dy = Math.abs(rx * ry * py / det);
if (point.y < cy) {
dy = -dy;
return [{x: cx + dx, y: cy + dy}];
function intersectCircle(node, rx, point) {
return intersectEllipse(node, rx, rx, point);
var renderAnchorNode = function(text) {
return function(root, node) {
var view = {};
root.classed("anchor", true);
.attr("class", "label")
.attr("xml:space", "preserve")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("alignment-baseline", "central")
var padding = 20;
var bbox = root.node().getBBox();
var width = bbox.width + padding;
var height = bbox.height + padding;
var r = Math.max(width, height) / 2;
root.insert("circle", ":first-child")
.classed("shape", true)
.attr("x", -bbox.width / 2)
.attr("y", -bbox.height / 2)
.attr("r", r);
node.width = width;
node.height = height;
view.intersect = function(point) {
return intersectCircle(node, r, point);
return view;
var renderStartNode = renderAnchorNode("Start");
var renderEndNode = renderAnchorNode("End");
var renderStateNode = function(root, node) {
root.classed("state", true)
.classed(node.state.Type, true)
.classed("NotYetStarted", true);
if (node.state.Type === "Parallel") {
return renderParallelState(root, node);
} else {
return renderRegularState(root, node);
var renderRegularState = function(root, node) {
var view = {};
.attr("class", "label")
.attr("xml:space", "preserve")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("alignment-baseline", "central")
var padding = 20;
var bbox = root.node().getBBox();
var width = bbox.width + padding;
var height = bbox.height + padding;
var rect = root.insert("rect", ":first-child")
.classed("shape", true)
.attr("rx", 5)
.attr("ry", 5)
.attr("x", -width / 2)
.attr("y", -height / 2)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
node.width = width;
node.height = height;
view.intersect = function(point, direction) {
return intersectRect(node, point);
return view;
function renderParallelState(root, node) {
var view = {};
var p = 20;
var pt = 40;
var o = 20;
var s = 20;
var branchesRoot = root.append("g").classed("branches", true);
var branches = [];
var dx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < node.state.Branches.length; i++) {
var branchDefinition = node.state.Branches[i];
var branchRoot = branchesRoot.append("g").classed("branch", true);
var branchGraph = renderBranch(branchRoot, branchDefinition);
var branchBbox = branchRoot.node().getBBox();
dx: dx,
height: branchBbox.height,
width: branchBbox.width,
startNode: branchGraph.node("state-" + branchDefinition.StartAt)
branchRoot.attr("transform", "translate(" + dx + ",0)");
dx += branchBbox.width + s;
branchesRoot.attr("transform", "translate(" + p + "," + (o + pt) + ")");
var branchesBbox = branchesRoot.node().getBBox();
var bw = branchesBbox.width;
var bh = branchesBbox.height;
var width = 2 * p + bw;
var height = o + pt + bh + p;
for (var j = 0; j < branches.length; j++) {
var branch = branches[j];
renderArrow(root, [
{ x: width / 2, y: o },
{ x: width / 2, y: o + pt / 2 },
x: p + branch.dx + branch.startNode.x,
y: o + pt / 2
x: p + branch.dx + branch.startNode.x,
y: o + pt
var rect = root.insert("rect", ":first-child")
.classed("shape", true)
.attr("rx", Math.min(width, height)/5)
.attr("ry", Math.min(width, height)/5)
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", o)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", pt + bh + p);
root.attr("transform", "translate(" + (-width / 2) + "," + (-height / 2) + ")");
node.width = width;
node.height = height;
view.intersect = function(point, direction) {
if (direction === "in") {
return [
{ x: node.x, y: node.y - node.height / 2 + o},
{ x: node.x, y: node.y - node.height / 2 }
return intersectRect(node, point);
return view;
var idCounter = 0;
function uniqueId(prefix) {
var id = ++idCounter;
return prefix + id;
function renderArrow(root, points, hideArrowHead) {
var arrowheadId = uniqueId("arrowhead");
.classed("path", true)
.style("fill", "none")
.attr("marker-end", "url(#" + arrowheadId + ")")
.attr("d", function() {
return d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return d.x; })
.y(function(d) { return d.y; })
if (!hideArrowHead) {
.attr("id", arrowheadId)
.attr("viewBox", "0 0 10 10")
.attr("refX", 9)
.attr("refY", 5)
.attr("markerUnits", "strokeWidth")
.attr("markerWidth", 8)
.attr("markerHeight", 6)
.attr("orient", "auto")
.attr("d", "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z");
function renderEdge(edgeRoot, edge, fromNode, toNode) {
var points = [];
if (fromNode.view.intersect) {
var nextPoint = edge.points[1];
var outIntersect = fromNode.view.intersect(nextPoint, "out");
for (var i = 0; i < outIntersect.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var j = 1; j < edge.points.length - 1; j++) {
if (toNode.view.intersect) {
var previousPoint = edge.points[edge.points.length - 2];
var inIntersect = toNode.view.intersect(previousPoint, "in").reverse();
for (var k = 0; k < inIntersect.length; k++) {
} else {
points.push(edge.points[edge.points.length - 1]);
renderArrow(edgeRoot, points, toNode.state && toNode.state.Type === "Parallel");
function createNodesAndEdges(branch, createAnchors) {
var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({ ranksep: 25, edgesep: 30, nodesep: 40, rankdir: "TB" });
if (createAnchors) {
g.setNode("start", { renderer: renderStartNode });
g.setNode("end", { renderer: renderEndNode });
for (var stateName in branch.States) {
var state = branch.States[stateName];
var id = "state-" + stateName;
g.setNode(id, {
renderer: renderStateNode,
stateName: stateName,
state: state,
var next = getAllNextStates(state);
for (var j = 0; j < next.length; j++) {
g.setEdge(id, "state-" + next[j], {});
if (createAnchors && branch.StartAt === stateName) {
g.setEdge("start", id, {});
if (createAnchors && (state.End || state.Type === "Succeed" || state.Type === "Fail")) {
g.setEdge(id, "end", {});
return g;
function renderBranch(root, branch, createAnchors) {
var graph = createNodesAndEdges(branch, createAnchors);
// create the nodes
var nodeContainers = root.append("g").classed("nodes", true).selectAll("g.node-container")
.data($.map(graph.nodes(), function(x) { return graph.node(x); }))
.append("g").classed("node-container", true);
nodeContainers.append("g").classed("node", true)
.each(function(node) {
var nodeRoot =;
node.view = node.renderer(nodeRoot, node);
// compute the layout
// position the nodes
nodeContainers.attr("transform", function(node) {
return "translate(" + node.x + "," + node.y + ")";
// create the edges
root.append("g").classed("edges", true).selectAll("g.edge")
.classed("edge", true)
.each(function(e) {
var edge = graph.edge(e);
var fromNode = graph.node(e.v);
var toNode = graph.node(e.w);
var edgeRoot =;
renderEdge(edgeRoot, edge, fromNode, toNode);
return graph;
function getAllNextStates(state) {
var transitions = [];
if (state.Next) {
if (state.Catch) {
for (var i = 0; i < state.Catch.length; i++) {
var catchClause = state.Catch[i];
if (catchClause.Next) {
if (state.Choices) {
for (var j = 0; j < state.Choices.length; j++) {
var choice = state.Choices[j];
if (choice.Next) {
if (state.Default) {
return transitions;
* Set the size of the svg element according to the options provided and the proportions
* of the rendered graph, then scale and center the graph within the svg canvas.
* Options: {
* width: number,
* height: number,
* maxWidth: number,
* maxHeight: number
* }
function fitGraph(svg, options) {
var graphRoot ="g");
// Dagre has a bug that makes it position nodes too close to the borders and they can sometimes
// overflow the bounds of the graph by a few pixels. We add some padding to mitigate the issue.
var padding = 40;
// The dimensions of the rendered graph.
var bbox = graphRoot.node().getBBox();
var graphWidth = bbox.width + 2 * padding;
var graphHeight = bbox.height + 2 * padding;
// Compute the scaling factor to fit the rendered graph within the maximum or target bounds.
var scalingX = 1;
var scalingY = 1;
if (graphWidth > (options.width || options.maxWidth)) {
scalingX = (options.width || options.maxWidth) / graphWidth;
if (graphHeight > (options.height || options.maxHeight)) {
scalingY = (options.height || options.maxHeight) / graphHeight;
var scaling = Math.min(scalingX, scalingY);
// Set the size of the svg element.
var svgWidth = options.width || graphWidth * scaling;
var svgHeight = options.height || graphHeight * scaling;
if (!options.resizeGraph) {
svg.attr("width", svgWidth);
svg.attr("height", svgHeight);
// Center the graph within the svg canvas.
var dx = (svgWidth - (graphWidth * scaling))/2 + padding * scaling;
var dy = (svgHeight - (graphHeight * scaling))/2 + padding * scaling;
graphRoot.attr("transform", "translate(" + [dx, dy] + ") scale(" + scaling + ")");"drag", function() {
transformGraph(graphRoot, d3.event.dx, d3.event.dy, 0);
return {
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
scaling: scaling
function transformGraph(graph, translateX, translateY, scaleDiff) {
var t = d3.transform(graph.attr("transform")),
translate = t.translate,
scale = t.scale;
var scaling = Math.min(scale[0], scale[1]);
graph.attr("transform", "translate ( " + [translate[0] + translateX, translate[1] + translateY] + ") scale(" + scaling * (1 + scaleDiff) + ")");
* Workflow Graph Directive.
* Usage example:
* <workflow-graph definition="..." latest-state-instances="..." interactive="true" node-callback="..." />
* Draws a graph representation of a workflow using the Dagre library.
* Attributes:
* definition: (object) The ASL definition.
* resize-graph: (boolean) Whether to resize the graph to fit the bounds.
* interactive: (boolean) Whether to react to hovers and clicks on the graph elements.
* nodeCallback: (function) A function to invoke when a node is clicked. The corresponding node object will be passed as parameter (see createNodesAndEdges()).
* latest-state-instances: (object) A map of state names to the latest state instance of that state (see AwsSimpleWorkflowService.computeLatestsStateInstances()).
module.directive("workflowGraph", ["$window", function($window) {
function getGraphSVGContainer(element) {
function getGraphRoot(element) {
var svg = getGraphSVGContainer(element);
var windowElement = angular.element($window);
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
definition: "=",
latestStateInstances: "=",
nodeCallback: "&nodeCallback",
interactive: "@",
resizeGraph: "@",
showLegend: "<"
transclude: {
topControls: "?sfnGraphTopControls",
bottomControls: "?sfnGraphBottomControls",
templateUrl: "/partials/workflowGraph.html",
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var layoutContainerNode = $(".awsui-app-layout__content");
var parentNode = elem.parent();
scope.centerGraph = function() {
scope.zoomInGraph = function() {
transformGraph(getGraphRoot(elem), 0, 0, 0.4);
scope.zoomOutGraph = function() {
transformGraph(getGraphRoot(elem), 0, 0, -0.4);
windowElement.on("resize", resetGraph);
scope.$on("$destroy", function() {"resize", resetGraph);
scope.$on('changeOrientation', resetGraph);
function clearGraph() {
var svg = getGraphSVGContainer(elem);
function showScrollMessage() {
var scrollMessage = elem.find(".workflow-graph-scroll-message");
function renderGraph(definition) {
var svg = getGraphSVGContainer(elem);
var graphRoot = svg.append("g");
// Layout and render the graph.
renderBranch(graphRoot, definition, true);
var fitTransform = fitGraph(svg, {
width: elem.parent().width(),
maxHeight: parentNode.height(),
resizeGraph: scope.resizeGraph
// enable scroll to zoom while Ctrl or Cmd is pressed"zoom", function() {
var sourceEvent = d3.event.sourceEvent;
if (sourceEvent && (sourceEvent.ctrlKey || sourceEvent.metaKey)) {
"translate(" +
[fitTransform.dx + d3.event.translate[0], fitTransform.dy + d3.event.translate[1]] +
") scale(" +
(fitTransform.scaling * d3.event.scale) + ")"
} else if (sourceEvent instanceof WheelEvent){
// Default action is prevented by d3. Allow window to scroll normally
var y = layoutContainerNode.scrollTop();
layoutContainerNode.scrollTop(y + sourceEvent.deltaY);
} else if (window.MouseWheelEvent && (sourceEvent instanceof window.MouseWheelEvent)) {
// IE11 fires a MouseWheelEvent which does not allow scrolling
if (scope.interactive) {
// Add mouseup events to each STATE node in the graph."g.nodes").selectAll(".node.state")
.on("mouseup", function(d, event) {
var node =;
if (!d3.event.handled) {
// events are propagated in parent elements, this ensure we only run this for the inner-most element.
d3.event.handled = true;
if (!node.classed("NotYetStarted")) {
graphRoot.selectAll(".node.selected").classed("selected", false);
node.classed("selected", true);
if (scope.nodeCallback !== null) {
scope.$applyAsync(function() {
.on("mouseover", function(d, event) {
var node =;
if (!d3.event.handled) {
d3.event.handled = true;
graphRoot.selectAll(".node.hovered").classed("hovered", false);
node.classed("hovered", true);
// Unselect/hover when clicking/hovering out of graph elements.
svg.on("mouseup", function(d, event) {
if (!d3.event.handled) {
graphRoot.selectAll(".node.selected").classed("selected", false);
.on("mouseover", function(d, event) {
if (!d3.event.handled) {
d3.event.handled = true;
graphRoot.selectAll(".node.hovered").classed("hovered", false);
function colorGraph() {
if (scope.latestStateInstances) {
var svg = getGraphSVGContainer(elem);
svg.selectAll(".node.state").each(function(node) {
var latestStateInstance = scope.latestStateInstances[node.stateName];
var status = "NotYetStarted";
if (latestStateInstance) {
status = latestStateInstance.status;
.classed("NotYetStarted", false)
.classed("Succeeded", false)
.classed("Failed", false)
.classed("Cancelled", false)
.classed("InProgress", false)
.classed(status, true);
function resetGraph() {
if (scope.definition) {
scope.$watch("definition", function() {
try {
if (scope.definition === "") {
} else if (scope.definition) {
scope.error = null;
} catch (e) {
scope.error = e;
}, true);
scope.$watch("latestStateInstances", function() {
try {
scope.error = null;
} catch (e) {
scope.error = e;
}, true);
(function () {
"use strict";
var graphDetailsDirective = angular.module("WorkflowDetails", ["AwsSimpleWorkflowService"]);
* Workflow details UI.
graphDetailsDirective.directive('workflowDetails', function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
details: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
// observe changes in attribute - could also be scope.$watch
scope.$watch('details', function (value) {
if (value) {
scope.details = value;
templateUrl: "/partials/workflowDetails.html"
(function() {
"use strict";
angular.module("WorkflowEditor", [])
.directive("workflowEditor", ["$timeout", function($timeout) {
function link($scope, element) {
$scope.graphClass = "col-s-5";
$scope.codeEditorClass = "col-s-7";
$scope.applyHorizontalOrientation = function() {
$scope.graphClass = "col-s-12";
$scope.codeEditorClass = "col-s-12";
// Notify on the next $digest after the new css has been applied to the DOM.
$timeout(function() {
$scope.applyVerticalOrientation = function() {
$scope.graphClass = "col-s-5";
$scope.codeEditorClass = "col-s-7";
$timeout(function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "/partials/workflowEditor.html",
link: link,
controller: "workflowEditorController",
controllerAs: "workflowEditorCtrl",
bindToController: true,
transclude: {
editorDescription: "?workflowEditorDesciption"
scope: {
editorTitle: "=",
definitionString: "=",
renderedDefinitionString: "=",
validationError: "=",
validationErrorMessage: "=",
errorMessage: "=?",
showSchemaCodeError: "@",
loadingGraph: "=",
readOnly: "="
(function () {
"use strict";
var tabDirective = angular.module("CoreComponents", []);
* Tab View Directive
tabDirective.directive('tabset', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: { },
templateUrl: '/partials/tabset.html',
bindToController: true,
controllerAs: 'tabset',
controller: function($scope, $timeout) {
var self = this;
self.tabs = [];
self.addTab = function addTab(tab) {
if(self.tabs.length === 1) { = true;
}; = function(selectedTab) {
angular.forEach(self.tabs, function(tab) {
if( && tab !== selectedTab) { = false;
}); = true;
* We flush the angular events to ensure the selected tab is displayed before triggering the callback.
$timeout(function() {
tabDirective.directive('tab', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
template: '<div role="tabpanel" class="tabpanel awsui-container" ng-show="active" ng-transclude></div>',
require: '^tabset',
scope: {
heading: '@',
onClickCallback: '&'
link: function(scope, elem, attr, tabsetCtrl) { = false;
}());(function() {
"use strict";
var module = angular.module("NewExecutionModal", ["ExecutionModule"]);
module.directive("newExecutionModal", [
function() {
function link() { }
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "/partials/newExecutionModal.html",
link: link,
controller: "newExecutionModalController",
controllerAs: "newExecutionModalCtrl",
bindToController: true,
scope: {
visible: "=",
stateMachineArn: "@",
updateStateMachineSuccess: "=",
updateStateMachineSuccessMessage: "=?",
input: "="
(function() {
"use strict";
var app = angular.module("constants", []);
app.constant("ROUTE", {
"CREATE_GRAPHENE_WORKFLOW": "statemachines/create"
// moment js for dependency injection
/* global moment */
app.constant("moment", moment);
// d3 js for dependency injections
/* global d3 */
app.constant("d3", d3);
/* global CodeMirror */
app.constant("CodeMirror", CodeMirror);
// AWSC for dependency injections
/* global AWSC */
if (AWSC.Analytics === undefined || AWSC.Analytics === null) {
var knownAWSCAnalyticsMethods = ["configure", "trackClick", "trackView"];
AWSC.Analytics = knownAWSCAnalyticsMethods.reduce(function(fakeAnalyticsObject, methodName) {
fakeAnalyticsObject[methodName] = function() {};
return fakeAnalyticsObject;
}, {});
app.constant("AWSC", AWSC);
app.constant("METRICTYPES", {
"timeUntilGetStartedClicked": "timeUntilGetStartedClicked",
"timeUntilRegisteredClicked": "timeUntilRegisteredClicked",
"validationFailedCount": "validationFailedCount",
"executionStartedCount": "executionStartedCount",
"blueprintSelectedPrefix": "blueprintSelected_",
"createStateMachineSucceeded": "createStateMachineSucceeded",
"iamModalShown": "iamModalShown",
"iamRoleListEmpty": "iamRoleListEmpty",
"newExecutionPageLoaded": "newExecutionPageLoaded",
"detailsPageLoaded": "detailsPageLoaded",
"copyToNew": "copyToNew",
"language": "language",
app.constant("TOP_ACTIONS", [
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines$", metricLabel: "listStateMachines"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines/executions/details$", metricLabel: "getExecutionDetails"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines/executions/start$", metricLabel: "startExecution"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines/validate$", metricLabel: "validateDefinition"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines/details$", metricLabel: "describeStateMachine"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines/executions/history$", metricLabel: "getExecutionHistory"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/statemachines/update$", metricLabel: "updateStateMachine"}),
Object.freeze({method: "POST", url: "/states/service/starterpack/createstack$", metricLabel: "cfnCreateStack"})
// key code constants usable to compare against event.which
app.constant("KEY_CODES", {
"ENTER": 13,
"SPACE": 32
app.constant("CW_ALARM", {
"OK": "OK",
app.constant("GRAPH_CONSTANTS", {
app.constant("HISTORY_EVENT_TYPE", {
ACTIVITY_FAILED: "ActivityFailed",
ACTIVITY_SCHEDULE_FAILED: "ActivityScheduleFailed",
ACTIVITY_SCHEDULED: "ActivityScheduled",
ACTIVITY_STARTED: "ActivityStarted",
ACTIVITY_SUCCEEDED: "ActivitySucceeded",
ACTIVITY_TIMED_OUT: "ActivityTimedOut",
CHOICE_STATE_ENTERED: "ChoiceStateEntered",
CHOICE_STATE_EXITED: "ChoiceStateExited",
EXECUTION_FAILED: "ExecutionFailed",
EXECUTION_STARTED: "ExecutionStarted",
EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED: "ExecutionSucceeded",
EXECUTION_ABORTED: "ExecutionAborted",
EXECUTION_TIMED_OUT: "ExecutionTimedOut",
FAIL_STATE_ENTERED: "FailStateEntered",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_FAILED: "LambdaFunctionFailed",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_SCHEDULE_FAILED: "LambdaFunctionScheduleFailed",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_SCHEDULED: "LambdaFunctionScheduled",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_START_FAILED: "LambdaFunctionStartFailed",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_STARTED: "LambdaFunctionStarted",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_SUCCEEDED: "LambdaFunctionSucceeded",
LAMBDA_FUNCTION_TIMED_OUT: "LambdaFunctionTimedOut",
SUCCEED_STATE_ENTERED: "SucceedStateEntered",
SUCCEED_STATE_EXITED: "SucceedStateExited",
TASK_STATE_ABORTED: "TaskStateAborted",
TASK_STATE_ENTERED: "TaskStateEntered",
TASK_STATE_EXITED: "TaskStateExited",
PASS_STATE_ENTERED: "PassStateEntered",
PASS_STATE_EXITED: "PassStateExited",
PARALLEL_STATE_ABORTED: "ParallelStateAborted",
PARALLEL_STATE_ENTERED: "ParallelStateEntered",
PARALLEL_STATE_EXITED: "ParallelStateExited",
PARALLEL_STATE_FAILED: "ParallelStateFailed",
PARALLEL_STATE_STARTED: "ParallelStateStarted",
PARALLEL_STATE_SUCCEEDED: "ParallelStateSucceeded",
WAIT_STATE_ABORTED: "WaitStateAborted",
WAIT_STATE_ENTERED: "WaitStateEntered",
WAIT_STATE_EXITED: "WaitStateExited"
app.constant("STATE_MACHINE_VALIDATION_STATUS", Object.freeze({
VALID: "Good"
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