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Created November 5, 2019 13:49
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import sys
import re
import os
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfile
import argparse
import logging
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
rgxDraw = [
rgxMethod = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]*\s*\(.*\)\s*{')
regExLoops = [re.compile('for\s*\('), re.compile('if\s*\(')]
def file_extension(choices,fname):
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1][1:]
if ext not in choices:
parser.error("file doesn't end with one of {}".format(choices))
return fname
def JavaToJavascript(file_in, file_out):
with open(file_in, 'r') as f, open(file_out, 'w') as o:
code =
# replace typed declarations (excluding function)
types = ['PGraphics', 'PVector','PImage', 'float', 'float[]', 'int', 'int[]', 'String', 'boolean']
matches = re.findall(rgxMethod, code)
for m in matches:
text = str(m)
if (any (regex.match(text) for regex in regExLoops)):
for var in types:
text = text.replace(var + " ", "")
code = code.replace(str(m), text)
# replace "void" with function
code = code.replace('void ', 'function ')
for var in types:
code = code.replace(var + ' ', 'let ')
# replace matrix operations
code = code.replace('.pushMatrix()', '.push()')
code = code.replace('.popMatrix()', '.pop()')
code = code.replace('.pushStyle()', '.push()')
code = code.replace('.popStyle()', '.pop()')
# replace console operations
code = code.replace('println(', 'console.debug(')
# remove unnecessary operations
# comment out 'beginDraw'. Using RegEx group replacement
for r in rgxDraw:
code = re.sub(r, r'/* \1 */', code)
# replaces Java hexadecimal number with quoted string
rgxColor = re.compile('(#......)')
code = re.sub(rgxColor, r'"\1"', code)
# replaces int/float array initialization
rgxArray = re.compile('new int\[\]{(.*)}')
code = re.sub(rgxArray, r'[\1]', code)
# random stuff
replaces = [ ("Long.signum", "Math.sign"),
("new PVector", "new p5.Vector"),
("(float)", ""),
("size(", "createCanvas("),
("P3D", "WEBGL")
for a,b in replaces:
code = code.replace(a,b)
#writes output
def main():
print("Running PDE conversion to P5JS")
parser.add_argument('file_in', help='input file', type=lambda s:file_extension(("pde","java"),s))
parser.add_argument('file_out', help='output file')
args = parser.parse_args()
# is PDE inside a sketch folder?
fileName = Path(args.file_in).stem
sourceFolder = Path(os.path.dirname(args.file_in))
folderName = sourceFolder.stem
convertFolder = False
if fileName == folderName:
convertFolder = True
if convertFolder:"The file %s is inside a Processing sketch",fileName)
dirName = "sketch-WIP"
outputLocation = os.path.join(sourceFolder.parent, dirName)
outputFile = os.path.join(outputLocation, "sketch.js")
JavaToJavascript(args.file_in, outputFile)
for fileInFolder in os.listdir(sourceFolder):
base = Path(fileInFolder).stem
if fileInFolder.endswith(".pde") and base != fileName:"Converting %s to Javascript", fileInFolder)
JavaToJavascript(os.path.join(sourceFolder,fileInFolder), os.path.join(outputLocation, base + ".js"))
# copies index.html to ouput
copyfile("index.html", os.path.join(outputLocation, "index.html"))
JavaToJavascript(args.file_in, args.file_out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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