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Created March 3, 2023 23:10
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This C program detects the base of an input number and validates it. The program examines the first few characters of the input string to detect the base (binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal) and validates the input number to ensure that it contains only valid digits for the detected base
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
bool IsValidNumber(char *p_input, int base);
int DetectBase(char *p_input);
int main() {
char input[100];
int base;
printf("Enter a number: ");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
base = DetectBase(input);
input[strcspn(input, "\n")] = '\0'; // Remove newline character
if (base == 8 || base == 16) {
memmove(input, input + 2, strlen(input)); // Remove "0b" or "0x" prefix
if (IsValidNumber(input, base)) {
printf("The number %s is valid in base %d\n", input, base);
} else {
printf("The number %s is not valid in base %d\n", input, base);
return 0;
bool IsValidNumber(char *p_input, int base) {
static const char *base_names[] = {"Binary", "Octal", "Decimal", "Hexadecimal"};
char *p_endPtr = p_input;
while (*p_endPtr != '\0') {
if (!isdigit(*p_endPtr) && toupper(*p_endPtr) < 'A' || toupper(*p_endPtr) >= 'A' + base - 10) {
printf("The number %s is not valid in base %s because of invalid characters found here '%c'\n", p_input, base_names[base / 2 - 1], *p_endPtr);
return false;
return true;
int DetectBase(char *p_input) {
if (strlen(p_input) >= 2 && p_input[0] == '0' && p_input[1] == 'x') {
return 16;
} else if (p_input[0] == '0' && p_input[1] == 'b') {
return 8;
} else {
return 10;
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Valid: 1010, 11100011, 0, 0b1010
Invalid: 2, 102, 10A, 0x1010

Valid: 52, 123, 07
Invalid: 89, 888, 08A

Valid: 123, 456, 0
Invalid: A, 123A, 12.3, 0x123

Valid: AB, FFFF, 0xFF, 0xABCD
Invalid: GH, 0xGH, 0xFZ, 1010

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