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Created November 8, 2021 09:38
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Set Warnings "-notation-overridden".
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect seq.
Set Warnings "notation-overridden".
From extructures Require Import ord fset.
Open Scope fset_scope.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Primitive Projections.
Definition T := nat_ordType.
Parameter a : T.
Parameter b : T.
Parameter c : T.
Definition fset_ab : {fset T} :=
fset [:: a ; b].
(* We want to automate reasoning for simple fset expressions such as this one. *)
Definition Goal_subset :=
fsubset fset_ab
(fset0 :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c])
:|: (fset0 :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]))).
Section ExampleProof.
Definition manual_proof : Goal_subset.
unfold Goal_subset.
rewrite !fset0U.
apply fsubsetU.
apply /orP. left.
apply fsubsetU.
apply /orP.
apply fsubsetxx.
Definition auto_proof : Goal_subset.
unfold Goal_subset.
rewrite !fset0U.
(* Moving info_eauto up one line gets very slow. *)
info_eauto 9 using fset0U, fsubsetxx, introTF, orP, fsubsetU.
End ExampleProof.
Require Arith ZArith Lia.
From AAC_tactics
Require Import AAC.
From AAC_tactics
Require Instances.
Section Fset_aac.
Instance aac_eq_equiv A : @Equivalence A eq.
apply Build_Equivalence.
- unfold Reflexive. auto.
- unfold Symmetric. auto.
- unfold Transitive. intros; subst; reflexivity.
Instance aac_union_Assoc : Associative eq (@fsetU T).
unfold Associative.
apply fsetUA.
Instance aac_union_Comm : Commutative eq (@fsetU T).
unfold Commutative.
apply fsetUC.
Instance aac_union_proper : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@fsetU T).
repeat intro.
(* The aac normalisation does not cancel the unit for unions `@fset0 T`
unless it is folded as a definition, here `O`. *)
Definition O := @fset0 T.
Instance aac_union_Zero A : Unit eq (@fsetU A) (@fset0 A).
apply Build_Unit.
- apply fset0U.
- apply fsetU0.
Instance aac_union_O : Unit eq (@fsetU T) O.
unfold O. apply aac_union_Zero.
Instance aac_union_Idem : Idempotent eq (@fsetU T).
unfold Idempotent.
apply fsetUid.
Definition goal_union :=
(fset0 :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c])
:|: (fset0 :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c])))
((fset0 :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]))
fset0 :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c])).
Goal goal_union.
unfold goal_union.
fold O.
(* An unsuccessful attempt to make aac_normalise work in the subset goal below. *)
Context {H : Proper ((@fsubset T) ==> (@fsubset T) ==> (@fsubset T)) (@fsetU T)}.
Instance X : Proper ((@fsubset T) ==> (@fsubset T) ==> (@fsubset T)) (@fsetU T) := H.
Goal Goal_subset.
unfold Goal_subset.
fold O.
(* Here we'd like to normalise, but `aac_normalise` fails with
"Error: [aac_tactics] The goal is not an applied relation" *)
(* aac_normalise. *)
(* Manually pull out the equation we expect *)
replace (O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c])
:|: (O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]))) with
(fset_ab :|: fset [::c]).
2: aac_reflexivity.
info_eauto using introTF, orP, fsubsetxx, fsubsetU.
(* Qed fails with the error message
Error: Illegal application:
The term "@lift_reflexivity" of type
"forall (X : Type) (R E : Relation_Definitions.relation X),
AAC_lift R E -> Reflexive R -> forall x y : X, E x y -> R x y"
cannot be applied to the terms
"{fset T}" : "Type"
"eq" : "{fset T} -> {fset T} -> Prop"
"eq" : "{fset T} -> {fset T} -> Prop"
"aac_lift_subrelation" : "AAC_lift eq eq"
"eq_Reflexive" : "Reflexive eq"
"fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]" : "{fset T}"
"O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]) :|: (O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]))"
: "{fset T}"
"let env_sym :=
{| := 0;
Internal.Sym.value := fset [:: c];
Internal.Sym.morph :=
Reflexive_partial_app_morphism (reflexive_proper fset)
(eq_proper_proxy [:: c])
(sigma_add 1%AC
{| := 0;
Internal.Sym.value := fset_ab;
Internal.Sym.morph := proper_eq fset_ab
|} (sigma_empty Internal.Sym.pack)) in
let env_bin :=
Internal.Bin.value := fsetU;
Internal.Bin.compat := aac_union_proper;
Internal.Bin.assoc := aac_union_Assoc;
Internal.Bin.comm := Some aac_union_Comm;
Internal.Bin.idem := Some aac_union_Idem
|} (sigma_empty Internal.Bin.pack) in
let env_units :=
Internal.u_value := O;
Internal.u_desc :=
[:: {| Internal.uf_idx := 1%AC; Internal.uf_desc := aac_union_O |}]
|} (sigma_empty (Internal.unit_pack env_bin)) in
let tty := Internal.T env_sym in
let rsum := Internal.sum (e_sym:=env_sym) in
let rprd := Internal.prd (e_sym:=env_sym) in
let rsym := Internal.sym (e_sym:=env_sym) in
let vnil := Internal.vnil env_sym in
let vcons := Internal.vcons (e_sym:=env_sym) in
let eval := Internal.eval (e_sym:=env_sym) env_units in
let left :=
rsum 1%AC
(Utils.cons (rsym 1%AC vnil, 1%AC)
(Utils.nil (rsym (BinNums.xO 1%AC) vnil, 1%AC))) in
let right :=
rsum 1%AC
(rsum 1%AC
(Utils.cons (Internal.unit env_sym (BinNums.xO 1%AC), 1%AC)
(rsum 1%AC
(Utils.cons (rsym 1%AC vnil, 1%AC)
(Utils.nil (rsym (BinNums.xO 1%AC) vnil, 1%AC))),
1%AC))), 1%AC)
(rsum 1%AC
(Utils.cons (Internal.unit env_sym (BinNums.xO 1%AC), 1%AC)
(rsum 1%AC
(Utils.cons (rsym 1%AC vnil, 1%AC)
(Utils.nil (rsym (BinNums.xO 1%AC) vnil, 1%AC))),
1%AC))), 1%AC))) in
Internal.decide env_units left right (erefl Eq)
fset_ab :|: fset [:: c] =
O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]) :|: (O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]))"
: "fset_ab :|: fset [:: c] =
O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]) :|: (O :|: (fset_ab :|: fset [:: c]))"
The 1st term has type "Type@{max(Set,Ord.type.u0)}"
which should be coercible to "Type@{AAC_tactics.AAC.271}".
End Fset_aac.
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