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Created February 12, 2016 01:12
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Example Gulp task for scripts building using gulp-notify
* Compile all JS files into the build directory
var scriptBootCount = 0;
gulp.task('scripts', ['load:config'], function() {
var hasErr;
return gulp.src(paths.scripts)
errorHandler: function(err) {
gutil.log('ERROR DURING JS BUILD'));
notify({message: + '\n' + err.message, title: config.title + ' - JS Error'}).write(err);
hasErr = err;
.pipe(cache(babel({ // Cache output and pipe though Babel
presets: ['es2015'],
}), {
key: function(file) {
return [file.contents.toString('utf8'), file.stat.mtime, file.stat.size].join('');
success: function(file) {
gutil.log('Babel compile', colors.cyan(file.relative));
return true;
.pipe(gulpIf(config.gulp.debugJS, sourcemaps.init()))
.pipe(replace("\"app\/", "\"\/app\/")) // Rewrite all literal paths to relative ones
.pipe(gulpIf(config.gulp.minifyJS, annotate()))
.pipe(gulpIf(config.gulp.minifyJS, uglify({mangle: false})))
.pipe(gulpIf(config.gulp.debugJS, sourcemaps.write()))
.on('end', function() {
if (!hasErr)
title: config.title,
message: 'Rebuilt frontend scripts' + (++scriptBootCount > 1 ? ' #' + scriptBootCount : ''),
icon: __dirname + '/icons/angular.png',
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