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Created November 21, 2015 16:49
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integration fails
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:132 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is local when using the --fix flag uploads stemcell
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:175 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote downloads the file
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:191 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when the URL is being redirected follows the redirect
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:204 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when the stemcell has already been uploaded when using the --skip-if-exists flag tells the user and does not exit as a failure
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:211 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when the stemcell has already been uploaded when NOT using the --skip-if-exists flag tells the user and does exit as a failure
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:221 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when the stemcell has already been uploaded when using the --fix flag fails to execute when --skip-if-exists flag also used
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:230 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when the stemcell has already been uploaded when using the --fix flag uploads stemcell
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:265 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when a sha1 is provided accepts shas
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_stemcell_spec.rb:270 # cli: stemcell uploading a stemcell that already exists when the stemcell is remote when a sha1 is provided fails if the sha is incorrect
rspec ./spec/integration/drain_spec.rb:71 # drain when skip-drain flag is not provided runs drain script for recreate
1) cli: instances with the --vitals and --ps flags display instances and processes
Failure/Error: vitals = director.instances_ps_vitals[1]
ERROR: bosh -n -c /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26894/client-sandbox/bosh_config.yml instances --ps --vitals failed with output:
Acting as user 'test' on deployment 'simple' on 'Test Director'
Director task 30
Error 100: PG::Error: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
Task 30 error
Failed to fetch VMs information from director
Test directory: /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26894/spec-20151121-26894-pnnqmv
Sandbox directory: /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26894
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:56:in `run_in_current_dir'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `block in run'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `chdir'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `run'
# ./spec/support/director.rb:72:in `instances_ps_vitals'
# ./spec/integration/cli_instances_spec.rb:113:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 42 minutes 1 second (files took 1.51 seconds to load)
35 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/integration/cli_instances_spec.rb:96 # cli: instances with the --vitals and --ps flags display instances and processes
1) deploy supports scaling down and then scaling up
Failure/Error: vms = director.vms
ERROR: bosh -n -c /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26898/client-sandbox/bosh_config.yml vms --details failed with output:
Acting as user 'test' on 'Test Director'
Deployment `simple'
Director task 43
Error 100: PG::Error: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
Task 43 error
Failed to fetch VMs information from director
Test directory: /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26898/spec-20151121-26898-16nescn
Sandbox directory: /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26898
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:56:in `run_in_current_dir'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `block in run'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `chdir'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `run'
# ./spec/support/director.rb:60:in `vms_details'
# ./spec/support/director.rb:16:in `vms'
# ./spec/integration/deploy_spec.rb:402:in `expect_running_vms'
# ./spec/integration/deploy_spec.rb:224:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) deploy supports fixed size resource pools
Failure/Error: deploy_simple_manifest(manifest_hash: manifest_hash)
ERROR: bosh -n -c /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26898/client-sandbox/bosh_config.yml deploy failed with output:
Acting as user 'test' on deployment 'simple' on 'Test Director'
Getting deployment properties from director...
Detecting deployment changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
Resource pools
No changes
Disk pools
No changes
No changes
± instances:
- 3
+ 1
No changes
Director task 48
Started unknown
Started unknown > Binding deployment. Done (00:00:00)
Started preparing deployment
Started preparing deployment > Binding releases. Done (00:00:00)
Started preparing deployment > Binding existing deployment. Failed: PG::Error: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
Error 100: PG::Error: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
Task 48 error
For a more detailed error report, run: bosh task 48 --debug
Test directory: /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26898/spec-20151121-26898-3evcqn
Sandbox directory: /Users/alex/scratch/bosh/tmp/integration-tests-workspace/pid-26898
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:56:in `run_in_current_dir'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `block in run'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `chdir'
# ./spec/support/bosh_runner.rb:13:in `run'
# ./spec/support/integration_example_group.rb:102:in `deploy'
# ./spec/support/integration_example_group.rb:118:in `deploy_simple_manifest'
# ./spec/integration/deploy_spec.rb:239:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 46 minutes 2 seconds (files took 1.52 seconds to load)
30 examples, 2 failures, 1 pending
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/integration/deploy_spec.rb:201 # deploy supports scaling down and then scaling up
rspec ./spec/integration/deploy_spec.rb:227 # deploy supports fixed size resource pools
291 examples, 36 failures, 1 pending
Took 2778.085464 seconds
Tests Failed
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