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Created May 5, 2022 17:20
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<disperse-app><section> <disperse-logo state="4"><header> <div class="eth active"><svg id="svg" version="1.1" width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 400 400" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="display: block;"><g id="svgg"><path id="path0" d="M196.423 21.530 C 195.612 23.471,171.105 64.622,141.963 112.977 C 112.821 161.331,88.735 201.528,88.437 202.304 C 88.050 203.313,103.882 213.162,143.951 236.838 L 200.008 269.960 256.049 236.820 C 296.310 213.011,311.937 203.279,311.546 202.259 C 309.521 196.981,200.545 18.000,199.356 18.000 C 198.554 18.000,197.234 19.588,196.423 21.530 M88.570 226.125 C 90.730 229.818,199.545 382.920,200.000 382.906 C 200.752 382.883,312.004 225.671,311.574 225.240 C 311.168 224.835,207.179 286.081,202.841 289.280 L 200.182 291.242 146.341 259.454 C 116.728 241.971,91.406 226.961,90.070 226.100 C 87.855 224.673,87.722 224.675,88.570 226.125 " stroke="none" fill="#cccccc" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg></div> <h1>disperse<sup>matic network</sup></h1> <div class="expand"></div> <div><a target="_blank" href="">matic explorer</a><a href="" target="_blank">telegram</a></div> </header> <p><em>verb</em><span style="font-style: normal"> distribute ether or tokens to multiple addresses</span></p></disperse-logo> </section> <section> <h2>connect to wallet</h2> <p>logged in as 0x7a78ce16f9352ebcfed66d34a66732495c6e585b</p> </section> <section> <disperse-currency><div class="chooser"> <label>send</label> <input type="radio" value="ether" name="what" id="ether"> <label for="ether">ether</label> <label>or</label> <input type="radio" value="token" name="what" id="token"> <label for="token">token</label> </div></disperse-currency> </section> <section hidden="" style="display: none;"> <h2>recipients and amounts</h2> <p>enter one address and amount in MATIC on each line. supports any format.</p> <div class="shadow"> <textarea ref="addresses" spellcheck="false" placeholder="0x314ab97b76e39d63c78d5c86c2daf8eaa306b182 3.141592
0x141ca95b6177615fb1417cf70e930e102bf8f584=1.41421"></textarea> </div> </section> </disperse-app>
<script src="./disperse_files/bundle.js"></script>
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