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Last active March 14, 2023 06:58
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Git commands

Common git commands

git add . ("Add all changes on current branch")

git status ("Display the state of the working directory")

git commit -m "Commit message" ("Added git commit message")

git commit --amend -m "New commit message" ("Changes the recent commit message")

git pull remote_name branch_name ("Pull all latest changes from remote branch")

git push remote_name branch_name ("Push local changes to remote")

git pull remote_name branch_name --rebase ("Rebase flag will skip extra marge commit")

git fetch ("Fetching downloads a branch from another repository, along with all of its associated commits and files")

git merge branch_name ("Merge with current and othe branch")

git fetch --all ("Fetch all branch and commits")

git branch ("To show all branch")

git checkout branch_name ("To switch a branch")

git branch -d branch_name ("To delete a branch")

git clean ("Removes untracked files from the Working directory")

git clone ("Creates a copy of an existing repository")

git checkout -b branch_name ("Creating a new branch and switch to that branch")

git reset --hard Head~ ("Remove the last commit parmanently")

git reset --soft Head~ ("Undo the last commit")

git log --oneline ("To see the short version of commit message list")

git log --pretty=oneline ("It will show the commit message oneline with long hash character")

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