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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Save haskellcamargo/028f82b78688a980bd4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
xBase Docgen
# Copyleft (C) Marcelo Camargo.
try {
# First we verify if we already have a directory to store our docs.
if (!is_dir("functions"))
# Samples sources are stored inside functions folder
if (!is_dir("functions/samples"))
# The command line argument is the file to be parsed.
if (file_exists($argv[1]))
$docs = json_decode(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
throw new Exception("404: Not found \"{$argv[1]}\".");
# Some error happened while parsing JSON. Maybe it is invalid.
if (is_null($docs))
throw new Exception("500: Invalid JSON. You have a syntax error.");
# Each function documentation now becomes an object here. We are about
# to handle it all.
foreach ($docs as $key => $value) {
$body = implode("\n", [
".. _{$key}:"
, ""
, replicate(11 + strlen($value->name), "=")
, $value->name . " (function)"
, replicate(11 + strlen($value->name), "=")
, ""
, ".. function:: {$value->type}"
, ""
, implode("", $value->description)
, ""
, "--------"
, "Exemplos"
, "--------"
, ""
, ".. literalinclude:: samples/{$value->sample->file}.prg"
, " :language: xbase"
, " :linenos:"
, ""
, implode("", $value->sample->about)
, "\n"
file_put_contents("./functions/{$key}.rst", $body);
, implode("\n", $value->sample->content));
} catch (Exception $e) {
# Let's display the erro to the user and quit the program.
print "Error " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
# Helper functions.
function replicate($times, $char) {
return $times == 0 ? ""
/* otherwise */ : $char .= replicate($times - 1, $char);
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