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module Graph = struct
type t = slot array array
and slot =
| Exist
| Empty
| Visited
exception Missing_vertex of int
let of_size (edges : int) : t =
Array.make edges (Array.make edges Empty)
let add_edge (graph : t) (left : int) (right : int) : unit =
graph.(left).(right) <- Exist;
graph.(right).(left) <- Exist
let remove_edge (graph : t) (left : int) (right : int) : unit =
graph.(left).(right) <- Empty;
graph.(right).(left) <- Empty
let degree (graph : t) (vertex : int) : int =
Core.Array.count graph.(vertex) ~f:((=) Exist)
let has_eulerian_path (graph : t) : bool =
not @@ Core.Array.existsi graph ~f:(fun vertex _ ->
let size = degree graph vertex in
size = 0 || size mod 2 <> 0)
let find_eulerian_path ?(start = 0) (graph : t) =
let graph_size = Array.length graph in
let find_unvisited vertex = fst @@ Core.Array.findi_exn graph.(vertex)
~f:(fun _ vertex -> vertex = Exist) in
let trail = Core.Queue.create () in
Core.Queue.enqueue trail start;
let rec visit current =
let subtour = Core.Queue.create () in
let rec sub_visit current =
match start = current with
| true -> ()
| false ->
let next = find_unvisited current in
Core.Queue.enqueue subtour next;
sub_visit next in
sub_visit start;
in visit (find_unvisited start)
let unvisited = Core.Array.findi graph.(item) ~f:(fun _ vertex -> vertex = Exist) in
let subtour = Core.Queue.create () in
Core.Queue.enqueue subtour item;
match unvisited with
| Some (current, _) ->
let (unvisited, _) = Core.Array.findi_exn graph.(current) ~f:(fun _ vertex -> vertex = Exist) in
Core.Queue.enqueue subtour unvisited
| _ ->
let x =
let graph = Graph.of_size 8 in
Graph.add_edge graph 0 1;
Graph.add_edge graph 0 3;
Graph.add_edge graph 0 4;
Graph.add_edge graph 0 5;
Graph.add_edge graph 4 5;
Graph.add_edge graph 1 2;
Graph.add_edge graph 2 3;
Graph.add_edge graph 0 6;
Graph.add_edge graph 6 7;
Graph.add_edge graph 0 7;
assert (Graph.has_eulerian_path graph);
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