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Last active December 8, 2017 01:22
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{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Proof where
import System.Console.ANSI
import Prelude.Unicode
import Control.Monad.Unicode
Calculations and mathematical proofs of circular computations.
@author Marcelo Camargo
type 𝔹 = Bool
type Ω = Double
type Z = Int
data Shape = Circle Ω Ω Ω deriving (Show, Eq)
(∙) ∷ Ω → Ω → Ω → Shape
(∙) x y r = Circle x y r
(≈) ∷ Ω → Float → Bool
(≈) a b = (realToFrac a) ≡ b
(<~>) ∷ (RealFrac a) ⇒ a → a
(<~>) f = (fromInteger $ round $ f ⋅ (10 ^ 2)) ÷ (10.0 ^^ 2)
a <≈> b = ((<~>) a) ≈ ((<~>) b)
-- proofDiameterWithRadius
getDiameterByRadius ∷ Shape → Ω
getDiameterByRadius (Circle _ _ 0) = 0
getDiameterByRadius (Circle _ _ r) = r ⋅ 2
-- proofDiameterWithRadius
getRadiusByDiameter ∷ Ω → Ω
getRadiusByDiameter = (÷ 2)
-- proofRadiusWithArea
getRadiusByArea ∷ Ω → Ω
getRadiusByArea 0 = 0
getRadiusByArea a = sqrt $ a ÷ π
-- proofRadiusWithArea, proofAreaByRadiusWithNth, proofNthRadius
getAreaByRadius ∷ Shape → Ω
getAreaByRadius (Circle _ _ 0) = 0
getAreaByRadius (Circle _ _ r) = π ⋅ r ** 2
-- proofAreaByRadiusWithNth
getNthArea ∷ Shape → Ω → Ω
getNthArea c 0 = 0
getNthArea c n = (getAreaByRadius c) ÷ n
-- proofNthRadius
getNthRadius ∷ Shape → Ω → Ω
getNthRadius c 0 = 0
getNthRadius c n = (getNthArea c n) ÷ 2
-- proofSumArea
(∑) ∷ Shape → Shape → Ω
(∑) (Circle _ _ 0) (Circle _ _ 0) = 0
(∑) a@(Circle _ _ xr) b@(Circle _ _ yr) =
(getAreaByRadius a) + (getAreaByRadius b)
-- proofAngle
(<..>) ∷ Z → Ω
(<..>) 0 = error "Impossible"
(<..>) n = 360.0 ÷ (fromIntegral n)
-- proofHorDistArea
(<÷>) ∷ Shape → Z → Ω
(<÷>) _ 0 = 0
(<÷>) (Circle _ _ r) n =
getAreaByRadius $ (∙) 0 0 radius
radius = r ÷ (fromIntegral n)
-- proofDensestPacking
densestPacking ∷ Ω
densestPacking = (1 ÷ 6) ⋅ π ⋅ (sqrt 3.0)
-- TODO: Apply proof (unproofed theory)
getPos ∷ Shape → ℤ → Ω
getPos c@(Circle x y r) n = let area = getNthRadius c (fromIntegral n)
in getDiameterByRadius $ ((∙) 0 0 (getRadiusByArea area))
-- Math proofs
proofRadiusWithArea ∷ IO ()
proofRadiusWithArea =
displayTruth fn ((getRadiusByArea $ getAreaByRadius ((∙) 0 0 10)) ≡ 10)
fn = "proofRadiusWithArea"
proofDiameterWithRadius ∷ IO ()
proofDiameterWithRadius =
let diam = getDiameterByRadius ((∙) 0 0 10)
in case diam of
20 → displayTruth fn (getRadiusByDiameter diam ≡ 10)
otherwise → displayTruth fn False
fn = "proofDiameterWithRadius"
proofAreaByRadiusWithNth ∷ IO ()
proofAreaByRadiusWithNth = let c = ((∙) 0 0 3) in
displayTruth fn (getAreaByRadius c ≡ getNthArea c 1)
fn = "proofAreaByRadiusWithNth"
proofNthRadius ∷ IO ()
proofNthRadius = let c = ((∙) 0 0 3) in
displayTruth fn (((getAreaByRadius c) ÷ 2) ≡ (getNthRadius c 1))
fn = "proofNthRadius"
proofSumArea ∷ IO ()
proofSumArea = displayTruth fn correctness
a = ((∙) 0 0 3)
b = ((∙) 0 0 4)
e = 5.0
correctness = getRadiusByArea (a ∑ b) ≡ e
fn = "proofSumArea"
proofAngle ∷ IO ()
proofAngle = displayTruth fn applyProof
applyProof = let
integral = ((<..>) 4) ≡ 90
fractional = ((<..>) 18) ≡ (360 ÷ 18)
in (integral ∧ fractional)
fn = "proofAngle"
proofHorDistArea ∷ IO ()
proofHorDistArea = displayTruth fn ((((∙) 0 0 10) <÷> 3) ≡ 34.90658503988659)
fn = "proofHorDistArea"
displayTruth ∷ [Char] → 𝔹 → IO ()
displayTruth msg True = (sayMsg msg)
≫ setSGR [ SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
, SetColor Foreground Vivid Green
] ≫ putStrLn "(T)"
displayTruth msg False = (sayMsg msg)
≫ setSGR [ SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
, SetColor Foreground Vivid Red
] ≫ putStrLn "(F)"
sayMsg ∷ [Char] → IO ()
sayMsg msg = setSGR [ SetConsoleIntensity NormalIntensity
, SetColor Foreground Dull Cyan
] ≫ (putStr $ '+' : formating msg)
formating m
| length m < 30 = m ⧺ replicate (30 - length m) ' '
| otherwise = take 27 m ⧺ "..."
resetColors ∷ IO ()
resetColors = setSGR [ SetConsoleIntensity NormalIntensity
, SetColor Foreground Dull White
proofDensestPacking ∷ IO ()
proofDensestPacking = displayTruth fn (densestPacking ≈ 0.9068996821)
fn = "proofDensestPacking"
-- Try to proof the optimal arrangement of the circles in a 1-scale.
arrange ∷ Int → (Float, Float)
arrange n
| n ≡ 1 = (1, 1)
| n ≡ 2 = (2, 0.5)
| n ≡ 3 = let opt = (1 + (2 ÷ 3) ⋅ (sqrt 3))
in (opt, 0.6466)
| n ≡ 4 = let opt = (1 + (sqrt 2))
in (opt, 0.6864)
| n ≡ 5 = let opt = (1 + (sqrt $ 2 ⋅ (1 + (1 ÷ (sqrt 5)))))
in (opt, 0.6854)
| n ≡ 6 = (3, 0.6667)
| n ≡ 7 = (3, 0.7778)
| n ≡ 8 = let opt = (1 + (1 ÷ sin (pi ÷ 7)))
in (opt, 0.7328)
| otherwise = error "Mathematically unkown and unproofed optimal result"
proofArrange ∷ [(Int, Bool)]
proofArrange =
map eachProof arr
arr = [1 .. 8]
eachProof = \i → let tuple = expect !! i
in (i, ((snd tuple) <≈> (fst $ arrange i)))
expect = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2.154), (4, 2.414), (5, 2.701),
(6, 3), (7, 3), (8, 3.304)]
putEachArrangeResult ∷ IO ()
putEachArrangeResult = mapM_ display proofArrange
display = \tuple -> let
index = (show $ fst tuple)
result = snd tuple
in displayTruth (index ⧺ " element proof") result
-- TODO: Proof correct distribution of mass by radius
main ∷ IO ()
main = (setTitle "Math Proofs")
≫ displayLine
≫ displayTitle
≫ displayLine
≫ proofRadiusWithArea
≫ proofDiameterWithRadius
≫ proofAreaByRadiusWithNth
≫ proofNthRadius
≫ proofSumArea
≫ proofAngle
≫ proofHorDistArea
≫ proofDensestPacking
≫ putEachArrangeResult
≫ resetColors
≫ displayLine
displayTitle = let title = (" Function", "(X)") in
putStrLn $ ((fst title) ⧺ (replicate (31 - (length $ fst title)) ' ')) ⧺
snd title
displayLine = putStrLn $ replicate 34 '-'
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