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Part Numbering Standards for Epicor

ERP Part Numbering Standards for Manufacturing

Epicor Recommendations: Part Numbering


This document serves as a guideline for developing and using good part numbering techniques within a manufacturing company. It addresses accidental and overly complex part numbering schemes which may become unmanageable and highlights that a part number is generally NOT a description of the part.


A part number should not attempt to be descriptive as it could lead to complications over time, such as changes in manufacturing or purchasing processes. The focus is on using the part number as a primary index within an ERP system.

Summary of Part Numbering Options

Part Numbering Rules

Allowed Digits

It is best practice to limit part numbers to letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and possibly a dash (-).

Support for Bar Coding

Only use characters that are compatible with bar coding systems, specifically Code-39.

Avoid Special Characters

Characters like spaces, wildcards (* ? ~), quotes (' "), and other non-standard characters should be avoided to maintain compatibility and prevent errors in various systems.

Part Number Types

Type Description
Manufacturer Part Number Different manufacturers might assign different numbers to the same part.
Supplier Part Number Suppliers might have different part numbers for the same manufacturer's part.
Customer Part Number Customers may have their unique part numbers which can be cross-referenced in the ERP system.
Internal Part Cross-reference Allows for secondary internal numbering for ease of reference.

Why Have Your Own Numbering System?

Using your own part numbering system instead of relying on external numbers enhances consistency and eliminates duplicate issues.

Conclusion: Part Number Formatting

Part numbers should be of uniform length and format, ideally all numeric with a dash. This helps in making them manageable, memorable, and avoids confusion.

Appendix A: Example – Part Numbering Scheme

General Format

Example format: 12345-1234-00

  • The first segment (12345) represents a semi-meaningful classification of the part.
  • The second segment (1234) is a sequential value.
  • The third segment (00) is a modifier or placeholder to ensure consistent length.

Specific Examples

Type Example Description
Wire 10112-2301-00 Copper wire with regular red insulation, 23 gauge
Bolt 20145-6789-00 Hex bolt, size 45, 6789 mm long

Appendix B: Controlling Your Part Numbers

ERP systems like Epicor ERP offer various options to enforce part numbering rules through user interface adjustments and Business Process Management (BPM) rules. These can help ensure part numbers are created without spaces, in the correct length, and with proper formatting.

Epicor Recommendations: Part Numbering

Example Description
B1001 Standard Bolt, made by ABCMetals and AcmeMachining.
1234-12 Part number from ABCMetals.
ABC-100 Part number from AcmeMachining.

Manufacturer Part Number

Example Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number
B1001 ABCMetals 1234-12
B1001 AcmeMachining ABC-100

Supplier Part Number

Example Supplier Supplier Part Number
B1001 Global Hardware GH-1001

Customer Part Number

Example Customer Customer Part Number
B1001 (Various customers) (Multiple customer part numbers)

Part Numbering Options

Type Description
Meaningful Part Numbering Digits of the part number have specific meanings.
Non-Meaningful Part Numbering Part number does not have significant meaning.
Semi-Meaningful Part Numbering (Recommended) Some digits define the type, but not all details.

Allowed Characters

Allowed Digits Example
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-1234567890 (All numbers and letters, including a dash)

Disallowed Characters

Type Characters
Wildcard characters * ? ~
Quote marks “ and ‘
Special characters `~ ! @ # ^ & ( ) _ = { } [ ]

Length and Format

Type Example
Uniform Length 10-11 digits
All-numeric with dash 12345-1234

Part Numbering Format/Length Examples

Example Description
12345-1234 10 digit format - semi-meaningful part prefix with a second 4-digit segment.
11111-2222-33 13-digit format - includes an additional sub-classification.
ABC-12345 9-digit version with an alpha code as the semi-meaningful portion.

Appendix A: Example – Part Numbering Scheme

Wire Example

Example Description
10112-2301-00 Wire, Copper, Regular Red Insulation, 23 gauge.
10214-1201-00 Wire, Aluminum, Regular Yellow Insulation, 12 gauge.
10214-1201-01 Wire, Aluminum, Regular Yellow Insulation, 12 gauge in a twisted pair.

Bolt Example

Example Description
2 Signifies bolt.
1 Hex head type.
2 Phillips head type.
9 Other head type.

Appendix B: Controlling Your Part Numbers

Method Description
User Interface (UI) Adjusted to perform data validations.
Business Process Management (BPM) rule Created to enforce your rules, such as validating part numbers.

ERP Part Numbering Standards for Manufacturing

An Epicor® White Paper

Epicor Recommendations: Part Numbering


There are many opinions on the subject of “proper” part numbering systems within the manufacturing world. This document serves as a guideline for developing and using good part numbering techniques within a manufacturing company, addressing accidental and overly complex part numbering schemes which may become unmanageable.


A part number is generally NOT a description of the part. There are separate fields for the actual description, part class, and product group. An ERP application may also support additional fields defining whether a part is purchased or manufactured, its Unit of Measure (UOM), material analysis codes, etc.

Part Number (Stocking)

Every Part in Epicor ERP has a “Part Number,” which is also the primary index for the Part table. This section underscores that each part number should uniquely represent a specific item.

Summary of Part Numbering Options

Manufacturer Part Number

This scheme shows how manufacturers number their parts. You may have multiple manufacturers and multiple manufacturer part numbers assigned to any one of your part numbers.


  • Standard “Bolt” part number B1001, made by two manufacturers, ABCMetals and AcmeMachining.

Supplier Part Number

This is the number that your supplier/vendor labels your part. It might differ from the manufacturer's part number.


  • Bolt part number B1001 from Global Hardware, labeled GH-1001.

Customer Part Number

Handles cases where the customer’s part number differs from your own. Multiple customer part numbers can reference your part.

Internal Part Cross-reference

An internal, secondary method of calling out a part number. This can be a shortcut to a longer part number or can modify serial numbering methodologies for the base part.

Why Have Your Own Numbering System?

  1. Consistency: Ensures all your part numbers internally are consistent.
  2. Elimination of Duplicates: Prevents confusion when different entities use the same part number for different items.

Part Numbering Rules

Allowed Characters

  • Numbers: 0-9
  • Letters: A-Z (case insensitive)
  • Special characters: Dash (-) is typically allowed.

Bar Coding Compatibility

  • Supports "Code-39" bar coding which allows a specific set of characters.

Avoid Spaces and Special Characters

  • Spaces and certain special characters (e.g., *, ?, ~) can complicate system processing and should be avoided.

Example Format Restrictions:

  • No leading zeros: 01234 should be 1234
  • Avoid ambiguous characters like O and 0 or I, l, and 1 in the same number.

Conclusion: Part Number Formatting

Part numbers should be of uniform length and format, ideally numeric with dashes. This aids in manageability and avoids confusion.

Appendix A: Example – Part Numbering Scheme

General Format:

  • Format: 12345-1234-00
    • 12345: Semi-meaningful part type classification
    • 1234: Sequential value
    • 00: Modifier or placeholder

Specific Examples:

  • 10112-2301-00: Wire, Copper, Regular Red Insulation, 23 gauge
  • 20145-6789-00: Hex bolt, size 45, 6789 mm long

Appendix B: Controlling Your Part Numbers

Epicor ERP supports tailoring your software through many options, such as user interface adjustments and Business Process Management (BPM) rules, to enforce part numbering rules effectively.

BPM Rule Example:

  • Validates every part number added to ensure no spaces, correct length, and proper formatting.
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