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Created March 18, 2018 18:44
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#requires -Version 2 -Modules posh-git
#based on tehrob from oh-my-posh
function Write-Theme
$prompt = ' ';
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object "$(Get-FullPath -dir $pwd) " -ForegroundColor $s1.Colors.DriveForegroundColor
$status = Get-VCSStatus
if ($status)
$gitinfo = get-vcsinfo -status $status
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object "$($gitinfo.vcinfo) " -ForegroundColor $([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object $s1.PromptSymbols.PromptIndicator -ForegroundColor $s1.Colors.AdminIconForegroundColor
$s1 = $global:ThemeSettings
$s1.GitSymbols.BranchIdenticalStatusToSymbol = "="
$s1.GitSymbols.BranchSymbol = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0xe0a0)
$s1.GitSymbols.BranchUntrackedSymbol = "*"
$s1.PromptSymbols.PromptIndicator = "`n`r~>"
# Colors
$s1.Colors.PromptForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::White
$s1.Colors.AdminIconForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Cyan
$s1.Colors.DriveForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Green
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