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Last active August 15, 2022 01:30
lightweight sum type matching in typescript
interface A { type: 'A', a: 10 };
interface B { type: 'B', b: [11] };
type AB = A | B;
type TypeOf<T extends { type: any }> = T extends { type: infer Type } ? Type : never;
type Cases<T extends { type: any }, R> = {
[P in TypeOf<T>]: (val: Extract<T, { type: P }>) => R
function match<T extends { type: string }, C extends Cases<T, any>>(
value: T,
cases: C
): ReturnType<C[keyof C]> {
return cases[value.type as TypeOf<T>](value as Extract<T, { type: string }>);
const ab: AB = { type: 'A', a: 10 } as any;
const _: 10 | 11 = match(ab, {
A: a => a.a,
B: b => b.b[0]
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hasparus commented Dec 7, 2019

type Key = string | number;

type Sigil<K extends Key, T extends string = string> = {
  [_ in K]: T;

type TypeOf<K extends Key, T extends Sigil<K>> = T[K];

type Cases<K extends Key, T extends Record<K, any>, R> = {
  [P in TypeOf<K, T>]: (val: Extract<T, Record<K, P>>) => R;

function match<K extends Key>(key: K) {
  return function match1<T extends Sigil<K>, C extends Cases<K, T, any>>(
    value: T,
    cases: C
  ): ReturnType<C[keyof C]> {
    return cases[value[key]](value as Extract<T, Record<K, string>>);

const matchType = match("type");

// test

interface A {
  type: "A";
  a: 10;
interface B {
  type: "B";
  b: [11];
type AB = A | B;

const ab: AB = { type: "A", a: 10 } as any;

// const _: 10 | 11
const _ = matchType(ab, {
  A: a => a.a,
  B: b => b.b[0]

const matchKind = match('kind');

interface Dog {
    kind: 'Dog',
    name: string;
    bark(): string;

interface Cat {
    kind: 'Cat';
    name: string;
    meow(): string;

const pet: Dog | Cat = { kind: 'Cat', name: 'Fluffy', meow: () => 'Meow!' } as any;

const _1 = matchKind(pet, {
    Cat: cat => cat.meow(),
    Dog: dog => dog.bark()

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