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Last active July 5, 2020 15:52
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# WA
H, W, K = map(int, input().split())
C = []
for _ in range(H):
from pprint import pprint
# pprint(C)
import sys
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product, combinations
counter = Counter()
for row in C:
n_blacks = counter['#']
if n_blacks < K:
# elif n_blacks == K:
# # 黒がいない行、列があると破綻するからこの elif は NG
# print(1)
# sys.exit()
board = ''
for row in C:
board += row
def get_calc_board_index_row(board, n_rows, n_cols):
b = board
_n_rows = n_rows
_n_cols = n_cols
def fun(n_row):
# row number
return list(range(_n_rows * n_row, _n_rows * n_row + _n_cols))
return fun
calc_board_index_row = get_calc_board_index_row(board=board, n_rows=H, n_cols=W)
def get_calc_board_index_col(board, n_rows, n_cols):
b = board
_n_rows = n_rows
_n_cols = n_cols
def fun(n_col):
# row number
return list(range(
n_col + _n_rows * _n_cols,
return fun
calc_board_index_col = get_calc_board_index_col(board=board, n_rows=H, n_cols=W)
def get_print_board(board, n_rows, n_cols):
b = board
_n_rows = n_rows
_n_cols = n_cols
def fun():
# row number
for r in _n_rows:
print(b[r*_n_cols, r*_n_cols+_n_cols])
return fun
print_board = get_print_board(board, H, W)
# sys.exit()
# 消し込む行と列の数 (n_row, n_col) について、すべてのパターンで繰り返す
# i = 0
ans = 0
for n_row, n_col in product(range(H+1), range(K+1)):
# n_row 個の行を消し込む場合の、行番号の組み合わせ
choosed_rows = list(combinations(range(H), n_row))
# n_col 個の列を消し込む場合の、列番号の組み合わせ
choosed_cols = list(combinations(range(W), n_col))
# print(n_row, n_col)
# 消し込みするマスを計算
for i_r, i_c in product(range(len(choosed_rows)), range(len(choosed_cols))):
board_idx = set()
for _r in choosed_rows[i_r]:
for _c in choosed_cols[i_c]:
rest_blacks = 0
for ix in range(len(board)):
if ix in board_idx: continue
if board[ix] == '#':
rest_blacks += 1
# pprint({
# 'choosed_rows': choosed_rows[i_r],
# 'choosed_cols': choosed_cols[i_c],
# 'rest_blacks': rest_blacks
# })
if rest_blacks == K:
# print(removing_row_numbers, removing_col_numbers)
ans += 1
# print({
# 'n_row': n_row,
# 'n_col': n_col,
# 'choosed_rows': choosed_rows,
# 'choosed_cols' : choosed_cols,
# 'board_idx': board_idx,
# 'rest_blacks': rest_blacks
# })
# print()
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