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Created June 6, 2022 00:25
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Utils for survival analysis of time series models
def survival_mape_exp(df, win_size):
'''Calculate expanding window mape for survival analysis.'''
df['ape'] = np.abs((df['yhat'] - df['y'])/df['y'])*100
df['exp_mape'] = df.ape.expanding(win_size).mean()
df['survival_metric'] = df['exp_mape']
return df
def survival_events(results):
'''Generate events and censors for survival analysis.'''
results = results[(results.index >= STUDY_START_WEEKS) & \
(results.index < STUDY_END_WEEKS)]
thresh_res = results[results['survival_metric'] >= THRESH]
# if some results are above threshold
if len(thresh_res):
# if all results are above thresh - this could be considered
# as a case of left censorship - in our case we start evaluating
# the model at STUDY_START_WEEKS and for this case it makes sense
# to force right censorship
if len(thresh_res) == len(results):
thresh_week = STUDY_START_WEEKS
thresh_week = thresh_res.index[0] + 1
event = 1
# event does not occur till the end of study
thresh_week = STUDY_END_WEEKS
event = 0
return thresh_week, event
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