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Last active June 6, 2022 20:38
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  • Save hassanj47/ab597fd8af0c1325821290c462d1ae1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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preprocessing for time series survival model
# Filtering the departments in config
sales = sales[sales.dept_id.isin(DEPTS)]
# sort data
sales = sales.sort_values(by=['item_id', 'dept_id', 'cat_id', 'store_id',
# melting sales columns into one column
index_columns = ['id','item_id','dept_id','cat_id','store_id','state_id']
sales = pd.melt(sales,
id_vars = index_columns,
var_name = 'd',
value_name = 'sales')
# dropping unnecessary columns
sales = sales.drop(['cat_id','state_id','id'], axis=1)
# rolling up store level data on item level
sales = sales.groupby(['dept_id','item_id','d']).agg({'sales':np.sum})\
# converting column 'd' to int type for sorting on date
sales['d'] = [val.replace('d_','') for val in sales.d]
sales['d'] = pd.to_numeric(sales.d)
sales = sales.sort_values(by=['dept_id','item_id','d'], ignore_index=True)
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