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#!/usr/bin/env php
$help = <<<'HELP'
./project-phpunit-skelgen.php -s <dir> -o <dir> -b <file>
Recursively find PHP files and run phpunit-skelgen to create unit test skeleton files.
Files must use the .php extension and be PSR-0 compliant, contain a namespace and class name.
Files ending in 'Interface.php' are ignored.
-s <dir>, --source <dir>
Source directory to scan for PHP files
-t <dir>, --target <dir>
Target for the generated UnitTest files. Default is current-working-dir/tests.
-b <file>, --bootstrap <file>
Specify a bootstrap file to be used by phpunit-skelgen for loading the classes.
-v, --verbose
Switch on verbose output
-h, --help
Prints this help
$options = getopt('s:t::hb:v', array(
if (empty($options) || !is_null(optval($options, 'h', 'help'))) {
echo "$help\n";
// Extract the inputs
$source = optval($options, 's', 'source');
$target = optval($options, 't', 'target');
$bootstrap = optval($options, 'b', 'bootstrap');
$verbose = !is_null(optval($options, 'v', 'verbose'));
// Validate inputs
if (empty($source) || !is_dir($source)) {
echo "Source given '$source' is not a directory\n";
if (empty($target)) {
$target = './tests';
if (!is_dir($target)) {
mkdir($target, 0777, true);
$sourceDir = realpath($source);
$targetDir = realpath($target);
$binary = 'phpunit-skelgen.phar';
$skelgenBinary = trim(shell_exec("which $binary"));
if (!file_exists($skelgenBinary)) {
echo "Unable to locate $binary\n";
// Scan and process the source directory
$dirIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourceDir)
$sourcePathStrLength = strlen($sourceDir);
$escapedBootstrap = $bootstrap ? '--bootstrap '.escapeshellarg("$bootstrap") : '';
foreach ($dirIterator as $filePath => $fileInfo) {
// @var SplFileInfo $fileInfo
if (
$fileInfo->isDir() ||
substr($filePath, -13) === 'Interface.php'
) {
$targetFilePath = $targetDir . preg_replace(
substr($filePath, $sourcePathStrLength)
if (file_exists($targetFilePath)) {
echo "Skip: Test file for '$filePath' already exists\n";
$fullClassName = extractFullClassNameFromFile($filePath);
if ($fullClassName === false) {
echo "Err: Class name could not be extracted from '$filePath'\n";
$targetFileName = basename($targetFilePath);
$sourceDirPath = dirname($filePath);
$targetDirPath = dirname($targetFilePath);
$generatedFilePath = "$sourceDirPath/$targetFileName";
if (!is_dir($targetDirPath)) {
mkdir($targetDirPath, 0777, true);
$escapedClassName = escapeshellarg($fullClassName);
$escapedSourcePath = escapeshellarg($filePath);
$result = shell_exec(
"$skelgenBinary $escapedBootstrap --test -- $escapedClassName $escapedSourcePath"
if ($verbose) {
echo $result;
if (!file_exists($generatedFilePath)) {
echo "Error: Failed to generate test file for '$fullClassName'\n";
rename($generatedFilePath, $targetFilePath);
echo "OK: Test file successfully created for '$fullClassName'\n";
echo "DONE.\n";
/* ---- FUNCTIONS ---- */
* Extract an option from the results of getopt specifying the
* keys in order of preference.
* @param array $options Result from getopt('ab:c::', array('add', 'bacon', 'create'))
* @param string $key1 First key to look for e.g. 'add'
* @param string $key2 Second key to look for e.g. 'a'
* @param string $keyn Other possible aliases...
* @return mixed The value from options array or null otherwise
function optval(array &$options, $key1, $key2, $keyn = null)
$args = func_get_args();
$options = array_shift($args);
foreach ($args as $key) {
if (isset($options[$key])) {
return $options[$key];
return null;
* Conert to boolean by using normal PHP falsey equivalencies with
* the addition of string 'false' which PHP usually considers truthy.
* @param mixed $val Value to convert to boolean
* @return boolean Boolean equivalent
function bool($val)
if (
$val === '' ||
$val === 'false' ||
$val === '0' ||
$val === 0 ||
$val === null ||
$val === array() ||
$val === 0.0 ||
$val === false
) {
return false;
return true;
* Extract a fully qualfied (namespaced) classname from a php file.
* This function assumes PSR-0 compliance.
* @param string $filePath Path to the php file.
* @return string|false The resulting classname
function extractFullClassNameFromFile($filePath)
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
return false;
$namespace = null;
$classname = null;
$cnMatches = null;
$nsMatches = null;
$file = file_get_contents($filePath);
if (preg_match_all('/\n\s*(abstract\s|final\s)*class\s+(?<name>[^\s;]+)\s*/i', $file, $cnMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
$classname = array_pop($cnMatches['name']);
if (preg_match_all('/namespace\s+(?<name>[^\s;]+)\s*;/i', $file, $nsMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
$namespace = array_pop($nsMatches['name']);
if (empty($classname)) {
return false;
return "$namespace\\$classname";
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