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Forked from voddan/Permutations.kt
Created July 1, 2016 20:12
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code for "A handful of Kotlin permutations"
package permutations
import java.util.*
interface Circular<T> : Iterable<T> {
fun state(): T
fun inc()
fun isZero(): Boolean // `true` in exactly one state
fun hasNext(): Boolean // `false` if the next state `isZero()`
override fun iterator() : Iterator<T> {
return object : Iterator<T> {
var started = false
override fun next(): T {
if(started) {
} else {
started = true
return state()
override fun hasNext() = this@Circular.hasNext()
class Ring(val size: Int) : Circular<Int> {
private var state = 0
override fun state() = state
override fun inc() {state = (1 + state) % size}
override fun isZero() = (state == 0)
override fun hasNext() = (state != size - 1)
init {
assert(size > 0)
abstract class CircularList<E, H: Circular<E>>(val size: Int) : Circular<List<E>> {
protected abstract val state: List<H> // state.size == size
override fun inc() {
state.forEach {
if(! it.isZero()) return
override fun isZero() = state.all {it.isZero()}
override fun hasNext() = state.any {it.hasNext()}
abstract class IntCombinations(size: Int) : CircularList<Int, Ring>(size)
class BinaryBits(N: Int) : IntCombinations(N) {
override val state = Array(N, {Ring(2)}).toList()
override fun state() = {it.state()}.reversed()
class Permutations(N: Int) : IntCombinations(N) {
override val state = mutableListOf<Ring>()
init {
for(i in N downTo 1) {
state += Ring(i)
override fun state(): List<Int> {
val items = (0..size - 1).toCollection(LinkedList())
return {ring -> items.removeAt(ring.state())}
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val n = 100
val sumNumbers = Ring(n).sum()
println("In theory, the sum of numbers 0..${n - 1} is ${n * (n - 1) / 2}.")
println("Which is consistent with a practical result of $sumNumbers.\n")
BinaryBits(5).asSequence().filter {it.sum() == 2}.take(5).forEach { println(it) }
println("\npermutations of 3 elements:")
for(configuration in Permutations(3)) {
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