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Created March 3, 2021 08:15
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Pure CSS drawers using <details> & <summary> πŸ”¨πŸ”©πŸ€“ #CodePenChallenge
mixin drawer(pos, text)
.chest-drawer__panel.chest-drawer__panel--back= text
+drawer('top', 'CSS')
+drawer('middle', 'is')
+drawer('bottom', 'Awesome')

Pure CSS drawers using
& πŸ”¨πŸ”©πŸ€“ #CodePenChallenge

Was struggling with ideas for this <details> and <summary> challenge. Then it dawned on me that when using them, you're essentially looking at a chest of drawers πŸ˜…

So, here's a pure CSS chest of drawers using <details> and <summary>.


A Pen by Jhey on CodePen.


box-sizing border-box
align-items center
background-color #f9bf3b
display flex
justify-content center
min-height 100vh
$bottomAllowance = 30px
$drawerMargin = 10px
$border = 4px
$color = rgb(50, 50, 50)
$innerColor = #fff
--height 300
--width 200
--depth 150
--drawerSize "calc((var(--height) / 3) - %s)" % (unit($drawerMargin, ''))
--drawerHole "calc((var(--height) - ((%s * 4) + (%s + %s))) / 3)" % (unit($drawerMargin, '') unit($drawerMargin, '') unit($bottomAllowance, ''))
height calc(var(--height) * 1px)
transform rotateX(-30deg) rotateY(40deg)
transform-style preserve-3d
width calc(var(--width) * 1px)
height 100%
position absolute
transform-style preserve-3d
width 100%
content ''
display block
height 100%
width 100%
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) / 2 * 1px))
background lighten($color, 20%)
content ''
height 4px
position absolute
top -2px
width 100%
border $drawerMargin solid lighten($color, 20%)
border-bottom-width $bottomAllowance
border-top-width $drawerMargin
transform translate3d(0, 0, 0)
background lighten($color, 20%)
content ''
height $drawerMargin * 2
left 0
position absolute
top calc(var(--drawerHole) * 1px)
width 100%
background lighten($color, 20%)
content ''
height $drawerMargin * 2
left 0
position absolute
top "calc(var(--drawerHole) * 2px + %s)" % ($drawerMargin * 2)
width 100%
background lighten($color, 20%)
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) / 2 * -1px))
background black
transform translate3d(0, 0, 1px)
background lighten($color, 10%)
bottom 100%
height calc(var(--depth) * 1px)
left 0
transform rotateX(90deg) translate3d(0, 50%, 1px)
transform-origin bottom
transform-style preserve-3d
background lighten(black, 10%)
transform translate3d(0, 0, -1px)
background lighten($color, 10%)
height calc(var(--depth) * 1px)
left 0
top 100%
transform translateY(-50%) rotateX(90deg)
background lighten(black, 5%)
transform translate3d(0, 0, 1px)
background $color
right 0
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) / 2 * 1px)) rotateY(-90deg)
transform-origin right center
width calc(var(--depth) * 1px)
background lighten(black, 10%)
transform translate3d(0, 0, 1px)
width calc(var(--depth) * 1px)
left 0
background $color
transform-origin left center
transform translate3d(0, -1px, calc(var(--depth) / 2 * 1px)) rotateY(90deg)
background lighten(black, 10%)
transform translate3d(0, 0, 1px)
height calc(var(--drawerSize) * 1px)
left 0
position absolute
top 0
transition transform .25s
transform-style preserve-3d
width 100%
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 0.51px))
top ($drawerMargin / 2)
z-index 3
top "calc((var(--drawerSize) + %s) * 1px)" % (unit($drawerMargin, ''))
z-index 2
top "calc((var(--drawerSize) * 2 + %s) * 1px)" % (unit($drawerMargin, '') * 1.5)
z-index 1
background darken($color, 5%)
cursor pointer
height 100%
left 0
list-style none
position absolute
outline 0
top 0
transition transform .25s
transform translate3d(0, 0, 0)
width 100%
background lighten($color, 60%)
content ''
height 5%
left 50%
position absolute
top 10%
transform translate(-50%, 0)
width 40%
display none
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 0.05px))
&[open] ~ .chest-drawer__structure
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--depth) * 0.9px))
height 100%
position absolute
transform-style preserve-3d
width 100%
background darken($innerColor, 10%)
bottom 0
height calc(var(--drawerHole) * 0.65px)
left 10px
transform translate3d(0, -16px, -2px) rotateY(90deg)
transform-origin left
width calc(var(--depth) * 1px)
background darken($innerColor, 10%)
bottom 0
height calc(var(--drawerHole) * 0.65px)
right 10px
transform translate3d(0, -16px, -2px) rotateY(-90deg)
transform-origin right
width calc((var(--depth) - 3) * 1px)
background $innerColor
bottom 18px
height calc(var(--depth) * 1px)
left $drawerMargin
transform rotateX(90deg) translate3d(0, -2px, 0)
transform-origin bottom center
width "calc(100% - (2px * %s))" % unit($drawerMargin, '')
align-items center
background darken($innerColor, 15%)
bottom 16px
display flex
font-family 'Arial', sans-serif
font-size calc(var(--drawerHole) * 0.35px)
font-weight bold
height calc(var(--drawerHole) * 0.65px)
justify-content center
left $drawerMargin
transform translate3d(0, 0, calc((var(--depth) - 2) * -1px))
width "calc(100% - (2px * %s))" % unit($drawerMargin, '')
height 100%
left 0
position absolute
top 0
transform-style preserve-3d
transition transform .25s
width 100%
.chest-drawer--top .chest-drawer__panel--back
color #111
.chest-drawer--middle .chest-drawer__panel--back
color #111
.chest-drawer--bottom .chest-drawer__panel--back
color #111
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