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Created September 25, 2017 16:32
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import { Injectable, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
import { LoadingService } from '../loading/loading.service';
import { NotificationService } from '../notification/notification.service';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
declare let Raven: any;
const logLevel = {
error: 'error',
warning: 'warning',
info: 'info'
export class LogService extends ErrorHandler {
private defaultErrorMessage = 'An error has occured! An error report has been sent.';
constructor(private loadingService: LoadingService, private notification: NotificationService) {
// Rethrow exceptions that occur in bootstrap to angular
* This method handles unhandeled exceptions caught by angular.
* Exceptions thrown before angular loads should be caught by Raven.config().install() in index.html
* For custom error handling use logError()
handleError(error: any): void {
try {
this.log(error, true, true, logLevel.error, this.defaultErrorMessage);
} catch (err) {
* This method should be used to handle exceptions
logError(error: any, message = this.defaultErrorMessage): void {
this.log(error, true, true, logLevel.error, message);
* Log +/- notify warning
logWarning(message: string, notify = false): void {
this.log(null, false, notify, logLevel.warning, message);
* Log +/- notify message
logMessage(message: string, notify = false): void {
this.log(null, false, notify,, message);
* The actual implementation of logging,
* in development environment, it logs to console
* otherwise, it sends logs to server
private log(error: any, stopLoading = false, notify = false, notificationType =, message = ''): void {
// stop progress loading
if (stopLoading) {
// show notification message
if (notify && message) {
switch (notificationType) {
case logLevel.error:
case logLevel.warning:
default: //;
// Raven additional data
let options = {
level: notificationType,
tags: {
client: environment.client
extra: {
message: message
// if not in development, send to
if (environment.envName !== 'development') {
if (error) {
Raven.captureException(error.originalError, options);
} else {
Raven.captureMessage(message, options);
if (error) {
super.handleError(error); // use angular error handler
} else if (environment.envName === 'development') {
console.log(message); // if in development, log messages to console
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