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Forked from CodeNinja89/LinkedList.dfy
Last active February 11, 2024 21:35
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Linked List insertion in Dafny
module LL {
ghost predicate distinct<T(==)>(items: seq<T>) {
forall i,j :: 0<= i < j < |items| && i!=j ==> items[i] != items[j]
class Node {
var data: int
var next: Node?
ghost var footprint: set<object>
ghost var ancestorRepr: set<Node>
ghost var contents: seq<int>
ghost predicate valid()
decreases footprint
reads this, footprint
(this in footprint &&
|this.contents| >= 1 &&
this.contents[0] == &&
( != null ==>
next in footprint &&
footprint == {this}+next.footprint &&
next.footprint <= footprint &&
this !in next.footprint &&
this.contents == [data]+next.contents &&
next.valid()) &&
(next == null ==> |contents| == 1 && footprint == {this} && this.contents == [data])
constructor(data: int, next: Node?)
requires next != null ==> next.valid()
ensures fresh(this)
ensures == data
ensures == next
ensures |this.contents| >= 1 && this.contents[0] == data
ensures next == null ==> this.footprint == {this}
ensures next != null ==> this.footprint == {this}+next.footprint
ensures valid()
{ := data; := next;
this.contents := if next == null then [data] else [data]+next.contents;
this.footprint := if next == null then {this} else {this}+next.footprint;
function Length(node: Node?): nat
reads set x | node != null && x in node.footprint
decreases if node == null then {} else node.footprint
requires node != null ==> node.valid()
if node == null then 0 else if == null then 1 else
assert node.valid();
assert != null;
1 + Length(
lemma LengthContent(node: Node)
requires node.valid()
decreases node.footprint
ensures |node.contents| == Length(node)
if == null {
method enqueueMid(d: int, pos: int)
requires valid()
requires 0 <= pos < |contents|
modifies footprint
ensures valid()
// ensures valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint))
var i: int := 0;
var curr := this;
ghost var until := contents[..i];
assert until == [];
assert contents == [] + contents[i..];
ghost var after := contents[i..];
assert != null ==> curr.contents == contents[i..];
assert == null ==> after == contents[i..];
ghost var revList: seq<Node> := [];
while(i < pos && != null)
invariant i <= |contents|
invariant curr != null
invariant curr != null ==> curr.valid()
invariant i == 0 ==> curr == this
invariant until == contents[..i]
invariant after == contents[i..]
invariant after == curr.contents
invariant |revList| == i
invariant |revList| > 0 ==> revList[0].next == curr && revList[|revList|-1] == this
invariant forall n :: n in revList ==> n in footprint-curr.footprint
invariant forall k :: 1 <= k < |revList| ==> revList[k-1] == revList[k].next
invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < |revList| ==> revList[k] in footprint
invariant curr !in revList
invariant distinct(revList)
decreases if curr != null then curr.footprint else {}
assert contents == contents[..i]+contents[i..];
until := until+[];
after :=;
ghost var oldcurr := curr;
assert oldcurr !in;
revList := [curr]+revList;
curr :=;
i := i + 1;
assert until == contents[..i];
assert after == contents[i..];
if i > 0 {
assert revList[0].next == curr;
assert curr == this;
var n := new Node(d, null);
assert curr != null;
// // := d;
if( == null) {
assert n.valid();
assert n.contents == [d];
assert curr.contents == []; := n;
assert == n.contents;
curr.footprint := {curr}+n.footprint;
curr.contents := []+[d];
label ready:
assert curr.valid();
if |revList| == 0 {
assert this.valid();
// for j:=0 to |revList|
// invariant unchanged@ready(curr)
// invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < j ==> revList[k].valid()
// {
// if j == 0 {
// revList[0].contents := [revList[0].data]+curr.contents;
// revList[0].footprint := {revList[0]}+curr.footprint;
// assert revList[0].next == curr;
// assert curr.valid();
// assert revList[0].valid();
// }else{
// }
// }
// contents := contents + [d];
// assert this.valid();
// ghost var gcurr := this;
// while gcurr != null && gcurr != curr
// decreases gcurr.footprint
// {
// gcurr :=;
// }
} else {
// assert contents[pos..] == curr.contents;
// :=;
// n.footprint := n.footprint + curr.footprint - {curr}; // acyclicity!
// curr.footprint := curr.footprint + n.footprint;
// := n;
// contents := contents[ .. pos] + [d] + contents[pos ..];
// footprint := footprint + n.footprint;
// assert valid(); // error: could not prove: next in footprint. could not prove: next.valid()
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