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React Native Material Kit
declare module 'react-native-material-kit' {
import * as React from 'React';
import {
} from 'react-native';
namespace __MK {
// Theme Components style interfaces
interface ProgressStyle {
backgroundColor?: string;
progressColor?: string;
bufferColor?: string;
interface SpinnerStyle {
strokeColor?: Array<string>;
interface SliderStyle {
lowerTrackColor?: string;
upperTrackColor?: string;
interface IconToggleStyle {
onColor?: string;
offColor?: string;
rippleColor?: string;
interface SwitchStyle {
onColor?: string;
offColor?: string;
thumbOnColor?: string;
thumbOffColor?: string;
rippleColor?: string;
interface RadioStyle {
borderOnColor?: string;
borderOffColor?: string;
fillColor?: string;
rippleColor?: string;
interface CheckboxStyle {
borderOnColor?: string;
borderOffColor?: string;
fillColor?: string;
rippleColor?: string;
inset?: number;
interface CardStyle {
backgroundColor?: string;
borderRadius?: number;
borderColor?: string;
borderWidth?: number;
shadowColor?: string;
shadowOpacity?: number;
shadowRadius?: number;
shadowOffset?: {
height: number;
width: number;
interface CardImageStyle {
height?: number;
resizeMode?: string;
interface CardTitleStyle {
position?: 'absolute' | 'relative';
top?: number;
left?: number;
backgroundColor?: string;
padding?: number;
fontSize?: number;
color?: string;
fontWeight?: 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900';
interface CardContentStyle {
padding?: number;
color?: string;
interface CardActionStyle {
borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed';
borderTopColor?: string;
borderTopWidth?: number;
padding?: number;
interface CardMenuStyle {
position?: 'absolute' | 'relative';
top?: number;
right?: number;
backgroundColor?: string;
// Theme interface
interface Theme {
primaryColor?: string;
primaryColorRGB?: string;
accentColor?: string;
accentColorRGB?: string;
bgPlain?: string;
bgDisabled?: string;
fontColor?: string;
fontSize?: number;
rippleColor?: string;
textfieldStyle?: {
tintColor?: string;
highlightColor?: string;
textInputStyle?: {
color?: string;
fontSize?: number;
paddingLeft?: number;
paddingRight?: number;
progressStyle?: ProgressStyle;
spinnerStyle?: SpinnerStyle;
sliderStyle?: SliderStyle;
iconToggleStyle?: IconToggleStyle;
switchStyle?: SwitchStyle;
radioStyle?: RadioStyle;
checkboxStyle?: CheckboxStyle;
cardStyle?: CardStyle;
cardImageStyle?: CardImageStyle;
cardTitleStyle?: CardTitleStyle;
cardContentStyle?: CardContentStyle;
cardActionStyle?: CardActionStyle;
cardMenuStyle?: CardMenuStyle;
// Function
function setTheme(Object: Theme): void;
function getTheme(): Theme;
// Components
interface FloatingLabel {
floatingLabelEnabled?: Boolean;
floatingLabelAniDuration?: number;
floatingLabelBottomMargin?: number;
floatingLabelFont?: TextStyle;
allowFontScaling?: Boolean;
interface Ripple {
rippleColor?: string;
rippleDuration?: string;
rippleLocation?: 'tapLocation' | 'center' | 'left' | 'right';
maskEnabled?: Boolean;
maskColor?: string;
maskBorderRadius?: number;
maskBorderRadiusInPercent?: number;
maskDuration?: number;
shadowAniEnabled?: Boolean;
interface Tick {
fillColor?: any;
inset?: number;
interface MKButtonProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, Ripple {}
interface MKButtonBuilder {
withBackgroundColor: (color: string) => MKButtonBuilder;
withShadowRadius: (radius: number) => MKButtonBuilder;
withShadowOffset: (width: number, height: number) => MKButtonBuilder;
withShadowOpacity: (opacity: number) => MKButtonBuilder;
withShadowColor: (color: string) => MKButtonBuilder;
withText: (text: String) => MKButtonBuilder;
withStyle: (Style: ViewStyle) => MKButtonBuilder;
withTextStyle: (Style: TextStyle) => MKButtonBuilder;
build: () => React.ClassicComponentClass<TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties>;
export interface MKButtonStatic extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKButtonProps> {
Builder: () => MKButtonBuilder;
button: () => MKButtonBuilder;
coloredButton: () => MKButtonBuilder;
accentColoredButton: () => MKButtonBuilder;
flatButton: () => MKButtonBuilder;
coloredFlatButton: () => MKButtonBuilder;
accentColoredFlatButton: () => MKButtonBuilder;
plainFab: () => MKButtonBuilder;
coloredFab: () => MKButtonBuilder;
accentColoredFab: () => MKButtonBuilder;
export var MKButton: MKButtonStatic;
export type MKButton = MKButtonStatic;
//Text field
interface MKTextFieldProps extends TextInputProperties, FloatingLabel {
text?: string;
onTextChange?: (value: string) => void;
password?: Boolean;
underlineEnabled?: Boolean;
underlineSize?: number;
highlightColor?: string;
tintColor?: string;
additionalInputProps?: any;
textInputStyle?: ViewStyle;
interface MKTextFieldBuilder {
withPassword: (withPassword: boolean) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withPlaceholder: (placeholder: string) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withDefaultValue: (placeholder: string) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withHighlightColor: (color: string) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withStyle: (style: ViewStyle) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withFloatingLabelFont: (style: TextStyle) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withKeyboardType: (type: KeyboardType) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withTextInputStyle: (style: ViewStyle) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withOnFocus: (onFocus: Function) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withOnBlur: (onBlur: Function) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withOnEndEditing: (withOnEndEditing: (event: Event) => void) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withOnSubmitEditing: (withOnEndEditing: (event: Event) => void) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
withOnTextChange: (withOnTextChange: (value: String) => void) => MKTextFieldBuilder;
build: () => React.ClassicComponentClass<MKTextFieldProps>;
interface MKTextFieldStatic extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKTextFieldProps> {
Builder: () => MKTextFieldBuilder;
textfield: () => MKTextFieldBuilder;
textfieldWithFloatingLabel: () => MKTextFieldBuilder;
export var MKTextField: MKTextFieldStatic;
export type MKTextField = MKTextFieldStatic;
interface MKSwitchProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties {
checked?: boolean;
onCheckedChange?: Function;
onColor?: string;
offColor?: string;
trackSize?: number;
trackLength?: number;
thumbRadius?: number;
thumbOnColor?: string;
thumbOffColor?: string;
thumbAniDuration?: number;
rippleColor?: string;
rippleAniDuration?: number;
interface MKSwitchStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKSwitchProps> {}
export var MKSwitch: MKSwitchStatitc;
export type MKSwitch = MKSwitchStatitc;
interface MKCheckboxProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, Ripple, Tick {
borderOnColor?: string;
borderOffColor?: string;
fillColor?: string;
checked?: Boolean;
onCheckedChange?: Function;
extraRippleRadius?: Number;
editable?: Boolean;
interface MKCheckboxStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKCheckboxProps> {}
export var MKCheckbox: MKCheckboxStatitc;
export type MKCheckbox = MKCheckboxStatitc;
interface MKRadioButtonProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, Ripple {
borderOnColor?: string;
borderOffColor?: string;
fillColor?: string;
checked?: Boolean;
group?: Object;
onCheckedChange?: Function;
extraRippleRadius?: number;
interface RadioGroup {
new (): Array<MKRadioButtonStatitc>;
add: (btn: MKRadioButtonStatitc) => void;
onChecked: (btn: MKRadioButtonStatitc, checked: boolean) => void;
interface MKRadioButtonStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKRadioButtonProps> {
Group: {
new (): RadioGroup;
export var MKRadioButton: MKRadioButtonStatitc;
export type MKRadioButton = MKRadioButtonStatitc;
interface MKIconToggleProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, Ripple {
checked?: Boolean;
onCheckedChange?: Function;
interface MKIconToggleStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKIconToggleProps> {}
export var MKIconToggle: MKIconToggleStatitc;
export type MKIconToggle = MKIconToggleStatitc;
interface MKProgressProps extends ViewProperties {
progress: number;
buffer?: number;
progressColor?: string;
bufferColor?: string;
progressAniDuration?: number;
bufferAniDuration?: number;
interface MKProgressStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKProgressProps> {}
export var MKProgress: MKProgressStatitc;
export type MKProgress = MKProgressStatitc;
interface MKSpinnerProps extends ViewProperties {}
interface MKSpinnerBuilder {
withStyle: (Style: ViewStyle) => MKSpinnerBuilder;
build: () => React.ClassicComponentClass<MKSpinnerProps>;
interface MKSpinnerStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKSpinnerProps> {
Builder: () => MKSpinnerBuilder;
spinner: () => MKSpinnerBuilder;
singleColorSpinner: () => MKSpinnerBuilder;
export var MKSpinner: MKSpinnerStatitc;
export type MKSpinner = MKSpinnerStatitc;
interface MKSliderProps extends ViewProperties {
min?: number;
max?: number;
value?: number;
trackSize?: number;
thumbRadius?: number;
thumbPadding?: number;
lowerTrackColor?: string;
upperTrackColor?: string;
onChange?: Function;
onConfirm?: Function;
step?: number;
interface MKSliderStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKSliderProps> {}
export var MKSlider: MKSliderStatitc;
export type MKSlider = MKSliderStatitc;
interface MKRangeSliderProps extends ViewProperties {
min?: number;
max?: number;
minValue?: number;
maxValue?: number;
trackSize?: number;
thumbRadius?: number;
thumbPadding?: number;
lowerTrackColor?: string;
upperTrackColor?: string;
onStart?: Function;
onChange?: Function;
onConfirm?: Function;
step?: number;
interface MKRangeSliderStatitc extends React.ClassicComponentClass<MKRangeSliderProps> {}
export var MKRangeSlider: MKRangeSliderStatitc;
export type MKRangeSlider = MKRangeSliderStatitc;
export = __MK;
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They're done actually! They've been submitted. DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#19464

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