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Created October 19, 2017 10:29
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Test results #2
Running tests for 'native'
bitarithm_timings building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
bloom_bytes building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
board_calliope-mini [SKIP]
board_microbit [SKIP]
buttons building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cbor building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
conn_can [NO TARGET 'test']
cpp11_condition_variable building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cpp11_mutex building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cpp11_thread building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_adcxx1c [SKIP]
driver_adt7310 [SKIP]
driver_adxl345 [SKIP]
driver_apa102 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_at30tse75x [SKIP]
driver_at86rf2xx [SKIP]
driver_bh1750 [SKIP]
driver_bmp180 [SKIP]
driver_bmx280 [SKIP]
driver_dht [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_ds1307 [SKIP]
driver_dsp0401 [SKIP]
driver_dynamixel [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_enc28j60 [SKIP]
driver_encx24j600 [SKIP]
driver_feetech [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_grove_ledbar building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_hd44780 [SKIP]
driver_hdc1000 [SKIP]
driver_hih6130 [SKIP]
driver_ina220 [SKIP]
driver_io1_xplained [SKIP]
driver_isl29020 [SKIP]
driver_isl29125 [SKIP]
driver_jc42 [SKIP]
driver_kw2xrf [SKIP]
driver_l3g4200d [SKIP]
driver_lis3dh [SKIP]
driver_lis3mdl [SKIP]
driver_lpd8808 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lps331ap [SKIP]
driver_lsm303dlhc [SKIP]
driver_lsm6dsl [SKIP]
driver_mag3110 [SKIP]
driver_mma8x5x [SKIP]
driver_mpl3115a2 [SKIP]
driver_mpu9150 [SKIP]
driver_mq3 [SKIP]
driver_my9221 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_nrf24l01p_lowlevel [SKIP]
driver_nvram_spi [SKIP]
driver_pcd8544 [SKIP]
driver_pir [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_pn532 [SKIP]
driver_sdcard_spi [SKIP]
driver_servo [SKIP]
driver_si70xx [SKIP]
driver_srf02 [SKIP]
driver_srf08 [SKIP]
driver_sx127x [SKIP]
driver_tcs37727 [SKIP]
driver_tmp006 [SKIP]
driver_tsl2561 [SKIP]
driver_veml6070 [SKIP]
driver_xbee [NO TARGET 'test']
emb6 [SKIP]
evtimer_msg building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
evtimer_underflow building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
fault_handler [NO TARGET 'test']
float [NO TARGET 'test']
fmt_print [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_ipv6_ext building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_ipv6_nib building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_ndp2 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_netif2 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_sixlowpan building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_sock_dns [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_sock_ip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_sock_udp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_tcp_client [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_tcp_server [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_udp [NO TARGET 'test']
irq [NO TARGET 'test']
leds [NO TARGET 'test']
libfixmath [NO TARGET 'test']
libfixmath_unittests [NO TARGET 'test']
lwip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
lwip_sock_ip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwip_sock_tcp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwip_sock_udp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwmac [SKIP]
malloc [NO TARGET 'test']
mcuboot [SKIP]
minimal [NO TARGET 'test']
mpu_stack_guard [SKIP]
msg_avail building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
msg_send_receive building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
msg_try_receive [NO TARGET 'test']
mutex_order building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
mutex_unlock_and_sleep [NO TARGET 'test']
netdev_test [NO TARGET 'test']
netstats_l2 [NO TARGET 'test']
nhdp [NO TARGET 'test']
od building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
openthread [SKIP]
periph_adc [SKIP]
periph_cpuid [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_dac [SKIP]
periph_flashpage [SKIP]
periph_gpio [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_hwrng [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_i2c [SKIP]
periph_pwm [SKIP]
periph_rtc [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_rtt [SKIP]
periph_spi [SKIP]
periph_timer [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_uart [NO TARGET 'test']
pipe [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_cmsis-dsp [SKIP]
pkg_fatfs [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_jsmn [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_libcoap [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_micro-ecc [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_micro-ecc-with-hwrng [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_microcoap [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_minmea [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_oonf_api [SKIP]
pkg_tiny-asn1 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
pkg_u8g2 [NO TARGET 'test']
posix_semaphore building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
posix_sleep [NO TARGET 'test']
ps_schedstatistics [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_barrier [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_cleanup [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_condition_variable [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_cooperation [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_rwlock [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_tls [NO TARGET 'test']
rmutex building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
saul [NO TARGET 'test']
sched_testing [NO TARGET 'test']
shell [NO TARGET 'test']
sizeof_tcb [NO TARGET 'test']
slip [NO TARGET 'test']
sntp [NO TARGET 'test']
ssp [NO TARGET 'test']
struct_tm_utility [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_basic building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
thread_cooperation [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_exit [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flags [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flags_xtimer [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flood building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
thread_msg [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_block_w_queue [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_block_wo_queue [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_seq [NO TARGET 'test']
trickle [NO TARGET 'test']
unittests building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
warn_conflict [SKIP]
xtimer_drift [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_hang [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_longterm [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_msg [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_msg_receive_timeout building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
xtimer_now64_continuity [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_periodic_wakeup [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_remove [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_reset [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_usleep building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
xtimer_usleep_short building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
- bitarithm_timings
- bloom_bytes
- buttons
- cbor
- cpp11_condition_variable
- cpp11_mutex
- cpp11_thread
- driver_grove_ledbar
- driver_my9221
- evtimer_msg
- evtimer_underflow
- gnrc_ipv6_ext
- gnrc_ipv6_nib
- gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln
- gnrc_ndp2
- gnrc_netif2
- gnrc_sixlowpan
- gnrc_sock_ip
- gnrc_sock_udp
- lwip_sock_ip
- lwip_sock_tcp
- lwip_sock_udp
- msg_avail
- msg_send_receive
- mutex_order
- od
- pkg_tiny-asn1
- posix_semaphore
- rmutex
- thread_basic
- thread_flood
- unittests
- xtimer_msg_receive_timeout
- xtimer_usleep
- xtimer_usleep_short
- lwip
[NO 'test' TARGET]
- conn_can
- driver_apa102
- driver_dht
- driver_dynamixel
- driver_feetech
- driver_lpd8808
- driver_pir
- driver_xbee
- fault_handler
- float
- fmt_print
- gnrc_sock_dns
- gnrc_tcp_client
- gnrc_tcp_server
- gnrc_udp
- irq
- leds
- libfixmath
- libfixmath_unittests
- malloc
- minimal
- msg_try_receive
- mutex_unlock_and_sleep
- netdev_test
- netstats_l2
- nhdp
- periph_cpuid
- periph_gpio
- periph_hwrng
- periph_rtc
- periph_timer
- periph_uart
- pipe
- pkg_fatfs
- pkg_jsmn
- pkg_libcoap
- pkg_micro-ecc
- pkg_micro-ecc-with-hwrng
- pkg_microcoap
- pkg_minmea
- pkg_u8g2
- posix_sleep
- ps_schedstatistics
- pthread
- pthread_barrier
- pthread_cleanup
- pthread_condition_variable
- pthread_cooperation
- pthread_rwlock
- pthread_tls
- saul
- sched_testing
- shell
- sizeof_tcb
- slip
- sntp
- ssp
- struct_tm_utility
- thread_cooperation
- thread_exit
- thread_flags
- thread_flags_xtimer
- thread_msg
- thread_msg_block_w_queue
- thread_msg_block_wo_queue
- thread_msg_seq
- trickle
- xtimer_drift
- xtimer_hang
- xtimer_longterm
- xtimer_msg
- xtimer_now64_continuity
- xtimer_periodic_wakeup
- xtimer_remove
- xtimer_reset
- board_calliope-mini
- board_microbit
- driver_adcxx1c
- driver_adt7310
- driver_adxl345
- driver_at30tse75x
- driver_at86rf2xx
- driver_bh1750
- driver_bmp180
- driver_bmx280
- driver_ds1307
- driver_dsp0401
- driver_enc28j60
- driver_encx24j600
- driver_hd44780
- driver_hdc1000
- driver_hih6130
- driver_ina220
- driver_io1_xplained
- driver_isl29020
- driver_isl29125
- driver_jc42
- driver_kw2xrf
- driver_l3g4200d
- driver_lis3dh
- driver_lis3mdl
- driver_lps331ap
- driver_lsm303dlhc
- driver_lsm6dsl
- driver_mag3110
- driver_mma8x5x
- driver_mpl3115a2
- driver_mpu9150
- driver_mq3
- driver_nrf24l01p_lowlevel
- driver_nvram_spi
- driver_pcd8544
- driver_pn532
- driver_sdcard_spi
- driver_servo
- driver_si70xx
- driver_srf02
- driver_srf08
- driver_sx127x
- driver_tcs37727
- driver_tmp006
- driver_tsl2561
- driver_veml6070
- emb6
- lwmac
- mcuboot
- mpu_stack_guard
- openthread
- periph_adc
- periph_dac
- periph_flashpage
- periph_i2c
- periph_pwm
- periph_rtt
- periph_spi
- pkg_cmsis-dsp
- pkg_oonf_api
- warn_conflict
Running tests for 'nucleo144-f746'
bitarithm_timings building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
bloom_bytes building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
board_calliope-mini [SKIP]
board_microbit [SKIP]
buttons building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cbor building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
conn_can [NO TARGET 'test']
cpp11_condition_variable building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cpp11_mutex building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cpp11_thread building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_adcxx1c [SKIP]
driver_adt7310 [SKIP]
driver_adxl345 [SKIP]
driver_apa102 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_at30tse75x [SKIP]
driver_at86rf2xx [SKIP]
driver_bh1750 [SKIP]
driver_bmp180 [SKIP]
driver_bmx280 [SKIP]
driver_dht [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_ds1307 [SKIP]
driver_dsp0401 [SKIP]
driver_dynamixel [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_enc28j60 [SKIP]
driver_encx24j600 [SKIP]
driver_feetech [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_grove_ledbar building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_hd44780 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
driver_hdc1000 [SKIP]
driver_hih6130 [SKIP]
driver_ina220 [SKIP]
driver_io1_xplained [SKIP]
driver_isl29020 [SKIP]
driver_isl29125 [SKIP]
driver_jc42 [SKIP]
driver_kw2xrf [SKIP]
driver_l3g4200d [SKIP]
driver_lis3dh [SKIP]
driver_lis3mdl [SKIP]
driver_lpd8808 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lps331ap [SKIP]
driver_lsm303dlhc [SKIP]
driver_lsm6dsl [SKIP]
driver_mag3110 [SKIP]
driver_mma8x5x [SKIP]
driver_mpl3115a2 [SKIP]
driver_mpu9150 [SKIP]
driver_mq3 [SKIP]
driver_my9221 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_nrf24l01p_lowlevel [SKIP]
driver_nvram_spi [SKIP]
driver_pcd8544 [SKIP]
driver_pir [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_pn532 [SKIP]
driver_sdcard_spi [SKIP]
driver_servo [SKIP]
driver_si70xx [SKIP]
driver_srf02 [SKIP]
driver_srf08 [SKIP]
driver_sx127x [SKIP]
driver_tcs37727 [SKIP]
driver_tmp006 [SKIP]
driver_tsl2561 [SKIP]
driver_veml6070 [SKIP]
driver_xbee [NO TARGET 'test']
emb6 [SKIP]
evtimer_msg building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
evtimer_underflow building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
fault_handler [NO TARGET 'test']
float [NO TARGET 'test']
fmt_print [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_ipv6_ext building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_ipv6_nib building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_ndp2 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_netif2 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_sixlowpan building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_sock_dns [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_sock_ip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_sock_udp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_tcp_client [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_tcp_server [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_udp [NO TARGET 'test']
irq [NO TARGET 'test']
leds [NO TARGET 'test']
libfixmath [NO TARGET 'test']
libfixmath_unittests [NO TARGET 'test']
lwip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
lwip_sock_ip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwip_sock_tcp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwip_sock_udp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwmac [SKIP]
malloc [NO TARGET 'test']
mcuboot [SKIP]
minimal [NO TARGET 'test']
mpu_stack_guard [SKIP]
msg_avail building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
msg_send_receive building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
msg_try_receive [NO TARGET 'test']
mutex_order building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
mutex_unlock_and_sleep [NO TARGET 'test']
netdev_test [NO TARGET 'test']
netstats_l2 [SKIP]
nhdp [NO TARGET 'test']
od building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
openthread [SKIP]
periph_adc [SKIP]
periph_cpuid [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_dac [SKIP]
periph_flashpage [SKIP]
periph_gpio [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_hwrng [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_i2c [SKIP]
periph_pwm [SKIP]
periph_rtc [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_rtt [SKIP]
periph_spi [SKIP]
periph_timer [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_uart [NO TARGET 'test']
pipe [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_cmsis-dsp [SKIP]
pkg_fatfs [SKIP]
pkg_jsmn [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_libcoap [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_micro-ecc [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_micro-ecc-with-hwrng [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_microcoap [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_minmea [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_oonf_api [SKIP]
pkg_tiny-asn1 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
pkg_u8g2 [NO TARGET 'test']
posix_semaphore building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
posix_sleep [NO TARGET 'test']
ps_schedstatistics [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_barrier [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_cleanup [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_condition_variable [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_cooperation [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_rwlock [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_tls [NO TARGET 'test']
rmutex building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
saul [NO TARGET 'test']
sched_testing [NO TARGET 'test']
shell [NO TARGET 'test']
sizeof_tcb [NO TARGET 'test']
slip [NO TARGET 'test']
sntp [NO TARGET 'test']
ssp [NO TARGET 'test']
struct_tm_utility [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_basic building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
thread_cooperation [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_exit [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flags [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flags_xtimer [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flood building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
thread_msg [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_block_w_queue [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_block_wo_queue [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_seq [NO TARGET 'test']
trickle [NO TARGET 'test']
unittests building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
warn_conflict [SKIP]
xtimer_drift [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_hang [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_longterm [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_msg [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_msg_receive_timeout building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
xtimer_now64_continuity [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_periodic_wakeup [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_remove [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_reset [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_usleep building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
xtimer_usleep_short building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
- bitarithm_timings
- bloom_bytes
- buttons
- cpp11_condition_variable
- cpp11_mutex
- cpp11_thread
- driver_grove_ledbar
- driver_my9221
- gnrc_sock_ip
- gnrc_sock_udp
- lwip_sock_ip
- lwip_sock_tcp
- lwip_sock_udp
- msg_avail
- msg_send_receive
- pkg_tiny-asn1
- thread_basic
- xtimer_msg_receive_timeout
- xtimer_usleep
- xtimer_usleep_short
- cbor
- driver_hd44780
- evtimer_msg
- evtimer_underflow
- gnrc_ipv6_ext
- gnrc_ipv6_nib
- gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln
- gnrc_ndp2
- gnrc_netif2
- gnrc_sixlowpan
- lwip
- mutex_order
- od
- posix_semaphore
- rmutex
- thread_flood
- unittests
[NO 'test' TARGET]
- conn_can
- driver_apa102
- driver_dht
- driver_dynamixel
- driver_feetech
- driver_lpd8808
- driver_pir
- driver_xbee
- fault_handler
- float
- fmt_print
- gnrc_sock_dns
- gnrc_tcp_client
- gnrc_tcp_server
- gnrc_udp
- irq
- leds
- libfixmath
- libfixmath_unittests
- malloc
- minimal
- msg_try_receive
- mutex_unlock_and_sleep
- netdev_test
- nhdp
- periph_cpuid
- periph_gpio
- periph_hwrng
- periph_rtc
- periph_timer
- periph_uart
- pipe
- pkg_jsmn
- pkg_libcoap
- pkg_micro-ecc
- pkg_micro-ecc-with-hwrng
- pkg_microcoap
- pkg_minmea
- pkg_u8g2
- posix_sleep
- ps_schedstatistics
- pthread
- pthread_barrier
- pthread_cleanup
- pthread_condition_variable
- pthread_cooperation
- pthread_rwlock
- pthread_tls
- saul
- sched_testing
- shell
- sizeof_tcb
- slip
- sntp
- ssp
- struct_tm_utility
- thread_cooperation
- thread_exit
- thread_flags
- thread_flags_xtimer
- thread_msg
- thread_msg_block_w_queue
- thread_msg_block_wo_queue
- thread_msg_seq
- trickle
- xtimer_drift
- xtimer_hang
- xtimer_longterm
- xtimer_msg
- xtimer_now64_continuity
- xtimer_periodic_wakeup
- xtimer_remove
- xtimer_reset
- board_calliope-mini
- board_microbit
- driver_adcxx1c
- driver_adt7310
- driver_adxl345
- driver_at30tse75x
- driver_at86rf2xx
- driver_bh1750
- driver_bmp180
- driver_bmx280
- driver_ds1307
- driver_dsp0401
- driver_enc28j60
- driver_encx24j600
- driver_hdc1000
- driver_hih6130
- driver_ina220
- driver_io1_xplained
- driver_isl29020
- driver_isl29125
- driver_jc42
- driver_kw2xrf
- driver_l3g4200d
- driver_lis3dh
- driver_lis3mdl
- driver_lps331ap
- driver_lsm303dlhc
- driver_lsm6dsl
- driver_mag3110
- driver_mma8x5x
- driver_mpl3115a2
- driver_mpu9150
- driver_mq3
- driver_nrf24l01p_lowlevel
- driver_nvram_spi
- driver_pcd8544
- driver_pn532
- driver_sdcard_spi
- driver_servo
- driver_si70xx
- driver_srf02
- driver_srf08
- driver_sx127x
- driver_tcs37727
- driver_tmp006
- driver_tsl2561
- driver_veml6070
- emb6
- lwmac
- mcuboot
- mpu_stack_guard
- netstats_l2
- openthread
- periph_adc
- periph_dac
- periph_flashpage
- periph_i2c
- periph_pwm
- periph_rtt
- periph_spi
- pkg_cmsis-dsp
- pkg_fatfs
- pkg_oonf_api
- warn_conflict
Running tests for 'samr21-xpro'
bitarithm_timings building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
bloom_bytes building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
board_calliope-mini [SKIP]
board_microbit [SKIP]
buttons building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cbor building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
conn_can [NO TARGET 'test']
cpp11_condition_variable building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cpp11_mutex building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
cpp11_thread building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_adcxx1c [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_adt7310 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_adxl345 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_apa102 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_at30tse75x [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_at86rf2xx [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_bh1750 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_bmp180 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_bmx280 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_dht [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_ds1307 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
driver_dsp0401 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_dynamixel [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_enc28j60 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_encx24j600 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_feetech [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_grove_ledbar building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_hd44780 [SKIP]
driver_hdc1000 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_hih6130 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_ina220 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_io1_xplained [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_isl29020 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_isl29125 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_jc42 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_kw2xrf [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_l3g4200d [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lis3dh [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lis3mdl [SKIP]
driver_lpd8808 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lps331ap [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lsm303dlhc [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_lsm6dsl [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_mag3110 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_mma8x5x [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_mpl3115a2 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_mpu9150 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_mq3 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_my9221 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
driver_nrf24l01p_lowlevel [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_nvram_spi [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_pcd8544 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_pir [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_pn532 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_sdcard_spi [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_servo [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_si70xx [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_srf02 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_srf08 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_sx127x [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_tcs37727 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_tmp006 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_tsl2561 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_veml6070 [NO TARGET 'test']
driver_xbee [NO TARGET 'test']
emb6 [NO TARGET 'test']
evtimer_msg building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
evtimer_underflow building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
fault_handler [NO TARGET 'test']
float [NO TARGET 'test']
fmt_print [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_ipv6_ext building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_ipv6_nib building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_ndp2 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_netif2 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_sixlowpan building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
gnrc_sock_dns [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_sock_ip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_sock_udp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
gnrc_tcp_client [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_tcp_server [NO TARGET 'test']
gnrc_udp [NO TARGET 'test']
irq [NO TARGET 'test']
leds [NO TARGET 'test']
libfixmath [NO TARGET 'test']
libfixmath_unittests [NO TARGET 'test']
lwip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
lwip_sock_ip building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwip_sock_tcp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwip_sock_udp building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
lwmac [SKIP]
malloc [NO TARGET 'test']
mcuboot [SKIP]
minimal [NO TARGET 'test']
mpu_stack_guard [NO TARGET 'test']
msg_avail building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
msg_send_receive building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
msg_try_receive [NO TARGET 'test']
mutex_order building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
mutex_unlock_and_sleep [NO TARGET 'test']
netdev_test [NO TARGET 'test']
netstats_l2 [NO TARGET 'test']
nhdp [NO TARGET 'test']
od building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
openthread [SKIP]
periph_adc [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_cpuid [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_dac [SKIP]
periph_flashpage [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_gpio [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_hwrng [SKIP]
periph_i2c [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_pwm [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_rtc [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_rtt [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_spi [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_timer [NO TARGET 'test']
periph_uart [NO TARGET 'test']
pipe [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_cmsis-dsp [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_fatfs [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_jsmn [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_libcoap [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_micro-ecc [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_micro-ecc-with-hwrng [SKIP]
pkg_microcoap [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_minmea [NO TARGET 'test']
pkg_oonf_api [SKIP]
pkg_tiny-asn1 building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
pkg_u8g2 [NO TARGET 'test']
posix_semaphore building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
posix_sleep [NO TARGET 'test']
ps_schedstatistics [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_barrier [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_cleanup [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_condition_variable [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_cooperation [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_rwlock [NO TARGET 'test']
pthread_tls [NO TARGET 'test']
rmutex building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
saul [NO TARGET 'test']
sched_testing [NO TARGET 'test']
shell [NO TARGET 'test']
sizeof_tcb [NO TARGET 'test']
slip [NO TARGET 'test']
sntp [NO TARGET 'test']
ssp [NO TARGET 'test']
struct_tm_utility [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_basic building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
thread_cooperation [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_exit [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flags [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flags_xtimer [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_flood building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
thread_msg [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_block_w_queue [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_block_wo_queue [NO TARGET 'test']
thread_msg_seq [NO TARGET 'test']
trickle [NO TARGET 'test']
unittests building [FAILED]
warn_conflict [SKIP]
xtimer_drift [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_hang [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_longterm [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_msg [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_msg_receive_timeout building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
xtimer_now64_continuity [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_periodic_wakeup [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_remove [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_reset [NO TARGET 'test']
xtimer_usleep building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [FAILED]
xtimer_usleep_short building [OK] flashing [OK] testing [OK]
- bitarithm_timings
- bloom_bytes
- buttons
- cpp11_condition_variable
- cpp11_mutex
- cpp11_thread
- driver_grove_ledbar
- driver_my9221
- gnrc_sock_ip
- gnrc_sock_udp
- lwip_sock_ip
- lwip_sock_tcp
- lwip_sock_udp
- msg_avail
- msg_send_receive
- pkg_tiny-asn1
- thread_basic
- xtimer_msg_receive_timeout
- xtimer_usleep_short
- cbor
- driver_ds1307
- evtimer_msg
- evtimer_underflow
- gnrc_ipv6_ext
- gnrc_ipv6_nib
- gnrc_ipv6_nib_6ln
- gnrc_ndp2
- gnrc_netif2
- gnrc_sixlowpan
- lwip
- mutex_order
- od
- posix_semaphore
- rmutex
- thread_flood
- xtimer_usleep
- unittests
[NO 'test' TARGET]
- conn_can
- driver_adcxx1c
- driver_adt7310
- driver_adxl345
- driver_apa102
- driver_at30tse75x
- driver_at86rf2xx
- driver_bh1750
- driver_bmp180
- driver_bmx280
- driver_dht
- driver_dsp0401
- driver_dynamixel
- driver_enc28j60
- driver_encx24j600
- driver_feetech
- driver_hdc1000
- driver_hih6130
- driver_ina220
- driver_io1_xplained
- driver_isl29020
- driver_isl29125
- driver_jc42
- driver_kw2xrf
- driver_l3g4200d
- driver_lis3dh
- driver_lpd8808
- driver_lps331ap
- driver_lsm303dlhc
- driver_lsm6dsl
- driver_mag3110
- driver_mma8x5x
- driver_mpl3115a2
- driver_mpu9150
- driver_mq3
- driver_nrf24l01p_lowlevel
- driver_nvram_spi
- driver_pcd8544
- driver_pir
- driver_pn532
- driver_sdcard_spi
- driver_servo
- driver_si70xx
- driver_srf02
- driver_srf08
- driver_sx127x
- driver_tcs37727
- driver_tmp006
- driver_tsl2561
- driver_veml6070
- driver_xbee
- emb6
- fault_handler
- float
- fmt_print
- gnrc_sock_dns
- gnrc_tcp_client
- gnrc_tcp_server
- gnrc_udp
- irq
- leds
- libfixmath
- libfixmath_unittests
- malloc
- minimal
- mpu_stack_guard
- msg_try_receive
- mutex_unlock_and_sleep
- netdev_test
- netstats_l2
- nhdp
- periph_adc
- periph_cpuid
- periph_flashpage
- periph_gpio
- periph_i2c
- periph_pwm
- periph_rtc
- periph_rtt
- periph_spi
- periph_timer
- periph_uart
- pipe
- pkg_cmsis-dsp
- pkg_fatfs
- pkg_jsmn
- pkg_libcoap
- pkg_micro-ecc
- pkg_microcoap
- pkg_minmea
- pkg_u8g2
- posix_sleep
- ps_schedstatistics
- pthread
- pthread_barrier
- pthread_cleanup
- pthread_condition_variable
- pthread_cooperation
- pthread_rwlock
- pthread_tls
- saul
- sched_testing
- shell
- sizeof_tcb
- slip
- sntp
- ssp
- struct_tm_utility
- thread_cooperation
- thread_exit
- thread_flags
- thread_flags_xtimer
- thread_msg
- thread_msg_block_w_queue
- thread_msg_block_wo_queue
- thread_msg_seq
- trickle
- xtimer_drift
- xtimer_hang
- xtimer_longterm
- xtimer_msg
- xtimer_now64_continuity
- xtimer_periodic_wakeup
- xtimer_remove
- xtimer_reset
- board_calliope-mini
- board_microbit
- driver_hd44780
- driver_lis3mdl
- lwmac
- mcuboot
- openthread
- periph_dac
- periph_hwrng
- pkg_micro-ecc-with-hwrng
- pkg_oonf_api
- warn_conflict
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