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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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hacker book club v3
  • Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer - We need something to bridge the gap between the huge population of OO programmers, and the growing need for functional programmers. I’ve seen nothing else that fills this need so well -- @unclebobmartin
  • The Joy of Clojure (2nd Edition) - I've read a couple dozen programming books in my day, but Joy of Clojure stands out as one of my all-time favorites. [...] I've read all of the Clojure books to date and I whole-heartedly recommend Joy of Clojure as the best of the bunch. -- @devn
  • Understanding Computation - If you haven’t read "SICP", don't feel guilty. Instead, read "Understanding Computation" by @tomstuart. Quick. Easy. And very good. -- @raganwald
  • Introduction to Haskell - Brent Yorgey's course is the best I've found so far. This course is valuable as it will not only equip you to write basic Haskell but also help you to understand parser combinators. -- @bitemyapp
  • Programming Elixir - Maybe you need something that's closer to Ruby, but with a battle-proven environment that’s unrivaled for massive scalability, concurrency, distribution, and fault tolerance. Maybe the time is right for the Next Big Thing. Maybe it’s Elixir.
  • Game Programming Patterns
  • D3.js book
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