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Created August 12, 2015 02:04
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#function to compute R2s in logistic regression
logisticR2s <- function(logisticModel) {
modelDeviance <- logisticModel$deviance
nullDeviance <- logisticModel$null.deviance
n <- length(logisticModel$fitted.values)
R2HosmerLemeshow <- 1 - modelDeviance / nullDeviance
R2CoxSnell <- 1 - exp((modelDeviance - nullDeviance) / n)
R2Nagelkerke <- R2CoxSnell / (1 - exp( - (nullDeviance / n)))
col1 <- c("Hosmer and Lemeshow", "Cox and Snell", "Nagelkerke")
col2 <- c(R2HosmerLemeshow, R2CoxSnell, R2Nagelkerke)
col3 <- col2 * 100
return(data.frame(RSquaredType = col1,
Value = round(col2, 2),
Percent = round(col3, 2)))
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