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Created June 30, 2020 20:05
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# These are probably the only important parameters in the
# whole pipeline (steps 0 through 3).
DELTA = 25
# Do the necessary noise cleaning and other stuffs.
# I just do a simple blurring here but you can optionally
# add more stuffs.
def preprocess(image):
image = cv2.medianBlur(image, 3)
return 255 - image
# Again, this step is fully optional and you can even keep
# the body empty. I just did some opening. The algorithm is
# pretty robust, so this stuff won't affect much.
def postprocess(image):
kernel = np.ones((3,3), np.uint8)
image = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
return image
# Just a helper function that generates box coordinates
def get_block_index(image_shape, yx, block_size):
y = np.arange(max(0, yx[0]-block_size), min(image_shape[0], yx[0]+block_size))
x = np.arange(max(0, yx[1]-block_size), min(image_shape[1], yx[1]+block_size))
return np.meshgrid(y, x)
# Here is where the trick begins. We perform binarization from the
# median value locally (the img_in is actually a slice of the image).
# Here, following assumptions are held:
# 1. The majority of pixels in the slice is background
# 2. The median value of the intensity histogram probably
# belongs to the background. We allow a soft margin DELTA
# to account for any irregularities.
# 3. We need to keep everything other than the background.
# We also do simple morphological operations here. It was just
# something that I empirically found to be "useful", but I assume
# this is pretty robust across different datasets.
def adaptive_median_threshold(img_in):
med = np.median(img_in)
img_out = np.zeros_like(img_in)
img_out[img_in - med < DELTA] = 255
kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8)
img_out = 255 - cv2.dilate(255 - img_out,kernel,iterations = 2)
return img_out
# This function just divides the image into local regions (blocks),
# and perform the `adaptive_mean_threshold(...)` function to each
# of the regions.
def block_image_process(image, block_size):
out_image = np.zeros_like(image)
for row in range(0, image.shape[0], block_size):
for col in range(0, image.shape[1], block_size):
idx = (row, col)
block_idx = get_block_index(image.shape, idx, block_size)
out_image[block_idx] = adaptive_median_threshold(image[block_idx])
return out_image
# This function invokes the whole pipeline of Step 2.
def process_image(img):
image_in = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
image_in = preprocess(image_in)
image_out = block_image_process(image_in, BLOCK_SIZE)
image_out = postprocess(image_out)
return image_out
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