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Created January 30, 2021 18:13
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GeoBot Beater (by Robga, modified)
import operator
import numpy as np
import cmath
from collections import namedtuple
basis = np.array([1, cmath.exp(2j * cmath.pi * 1 / 3), cmath.exp(2j * cmath.pi * 2 / 3)])
HistMatchResult = namedtuple("HistMatchResult", "idx length")
def find_all_longest(seq, max_len=None):
result = []
i_search_start = len(seq) - 2
while i_search_start > 0:
i_sub = -1
i_search = i_search_start
length = 0
while i_search >= 0 and seq[i_sub] == seq[i_search]:
length += 1
i_sub -= 1
i_search -= 1
if max_len is not None and length > max_len: break
if length > 0: result.append(HistMatchResult(i_search_start + 1, length))
i_search_start -= 1
return sorted(result, key=operator.attrgetter("length"), reverse=True)
def complex_to_probs(z):
probs = (2 * (z * basis.conjugate()).real + 1) / 3
if min(probs) < 0: probs -= min(probs)
return probs / sum(probs)
class GeobotBeater:
def __init__(self):
self.opp_hist = []
self.my_opp_hist = []
self.offset = 0
self.last_feat = None
def __call__(self, step, our_last_action, opp_last_action):
if step == 0:
action = np.random.choice(3)
self.my_opp_hist.append((opp_last_action, our_last_action))
if self.last_feat is not None:
this_offset = (basis[(self.opp_hist[-1] + 1) % 3]) * self.last_feat.conjugate()
self.offset = (1 - .01) * self.offset + .01 * this_offset
hist_match = find_all_longest(self.my_opp_hist, 20)
if not hist_match:
pred = 0
feat = basis[self.opp_hist[hist_match[0].idx]]
self.last_feat = complex_to_probs(feat / abs(feat)) @ basis
pred = self.last_feat * self.offset * cmath.exp(2j * cmath.pi * 1/9)
probs = complex_to_probs(pred)
if probs[np.argmax(probs)] > .334:
action = (int(np.argmax(probs))+1)%3
action = (np.random.choice(3, p=probs)+1)%3
return action
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