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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Getting Plugged in: Shortcuts for Productivity

** Disclaimer: Use whatever works for you **

OS X Productivity




  • The Command Pallette is your friend ('command + shift + p')
  • Command + T for FuzzyFinder
  • Command + \ toggles File Navbar
  • My favorite plugins ('command + ,' then click 'install'):
    • Seeing Is Believing (see how your Ruby code is working)
    • Highlight Selected (show other occurrances of a word)
    • Javascript Language JSX: better syntax highlighting of JavaScript
    • Linter / JSHint: find those missing semicolons
    • Script: Run code from within Atom)
    • Theme: Material + Seti
    • Emmett: Awesome tool for writing HTML quickly
  • How to make a custom snippet: 'Atom' -> 'Open Your Snippits'
    • Ex: To type 'Pry' to get 'require 'pry'; binding.pry':
     'prefix': 'pry'
     'body': 'require "pry"; binding.pry'


require 'pry'; binding.pry
  • Go To Definition: f12
  • Simple Fullscreen (must be set to true in your keybindings, see below): Command + control + f
  • Some of my Favorite Plugins:
    • Advanced New File: Allows a binding to create a new file quickly
    • SidebarEnhancements
    • SublimeLinter
    • AllAutocomplete: Autocomplete words across all open files
    • ChainOfCommand + Focus File on Sidebar: Allows you to bind a key to open the file tree and highlight the current file
    • Emmett: Awesome tool for writing HTML quickly
    • JavaScriptNext: Better JS Syntax highlighting
    • VAlign: automatically line up variables, etc
    • SublimeCodeIntel
  • Themes: Elementary: Oceanic Next, SpaceGrey, Cobalt2 (ui)
  • How to search for your own:
  1. Command Palette: command + shift + p
  2. Type "Install Package" to search for various packages, snippets, etc.

Vim Mode

Shameless plug / why I don't just use Vim



  • Vim-mode + vim-surround
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