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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Save haveanicedavid/73640ee89cc9978b9a10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Push an event to a specific variant
* params:
* variantId - the id of the variant to which we are adding a product event
* eventDoc - An object containing the information for the event
createProductEvent: function(variantId, eventDoc) {
var Products, product;
check(variantId, String);
check(eventDoc, {
title: String,
location: Match.Optional({
address1: Match.Optional(String),
address2: Match.Optional(String),
city: Match.Optional(String),
region: Match.Optional(String),
postal: Match.Optional(String),
country: Match.Optional(String),
coords: Match.Optional({
x: Number,
y: Number
metafields: Match.Optional(Object)
description: Match.Optional(String)
if (!ReactionCore.hasPermission('createProductEvent')) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Access Denied");
_.defaults(eventDoc, {
createdAt: new Date()
Products = ReactionCore.Collections.Products;
product = Products.findOne({
"variants._id": variantId
if (product !== null ? product.variants : void 0) {
return Products.update({
"_id": product._id,
"variants._id": variantId
}, {
$push: {
"variants.$.events": eventDoc
}, {
validate: false
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(400, "Variant " + variantId + " not found");
* Check inventory availability for a specific variant
* Params:
* productId,
* variantId,
* reservationRequest,
* <optional> quantity
* returns array of available variant ids or an empty array if none available
checkInventoryAvailability: function(productId, variantId, reservationRequest, quantity) {
var Products, product;
var result = [];
check(productId, String);
check(variantId, String);
check(reservationRequest, {
startTime: Date,
endTime: Date
check(quantity, Match.Optional(Number));
quantity = quantity || 1;
requestDates = dateRangeToArray(reservationRequest);
product = ReactionCore.Collections.Products.findOne({
"product._id": productId
var variantsToCheck = product.variants.filter(function(variant) {
return variant.parentId === variantId;
for ( var i = 0; i < variantsToCheck.length; i++ ) {
var firstDay = variantsToCheck[i].unavailableDates[0];
var lastDay = variantsToCheck[i].unavailableDates.slice(-1);
if (requestDates.indexOf(firstDay) !== -1 || requestDates.indexOf(lastDay !== -1)) {
return result;
function dateRangeToArray (reservationRequest) {
requestDates = [];
iter = moment(reservationRequest.startTime)
.twix(reservationRequest.endTime, {allDay: true})
while ( iter.hasNext() ){
return requestDates;
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