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Last active April 13, 2019 21:23
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Uladzimir Havenchyk

I'm a full-stack developer with more than 5 years in software development. Besides I started my career as a backend developer, my main focus is on building performant single page applications and frontend in general. I like to write good quality code, try to contribute back to open source, follow Unix philosophy and use shell every day.



I completed courses and proved my upper-intermediate level of English. Besides that, I'm a native Russian speaker.


I graduated from Belarussian State University at 2013. I studied at the faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.


Client Side:

  • JavaScript (including ES2015+)
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Angular.js
  • Backbone + Marionette
  • jQuery
  • CSS (Less, Sass, Stylus), BEM methodology and component based approach
  • HTML

Server Side:

  • Grails
  • Groovy
  • Node


  • Grunt
  • Gulp
  • Webpack
  • babel


  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • Kanban

Source control:

  • Git
  • SVN


February 2018 - now - Frontend Developer, Toptal LLC,, remote

[Qubot] is a Node.js application + slack bot that helps us provide instant hiring experience to our clients on mobile phones and on the platform.

Tech stack: Node.js, TypeScript, Koa, Postgres, Typeorm

JS Tests Environment: avajs, Travis

Tools: Ansible, Jenkins

Tasks performed: Support and improvements of the bot accordingly with business needs, seamless integration between different services, real-time health checking.

November-2017 - February 2018 - Frontend Developer, Toptal LLC,, remote

Collabshot is a free web and desktop application that enables quick screen grabs, easy URL-based sharing, and live, multi-person drawing and sketching.

Tech stack: React.js, Redux, TypeScript, Stylus, webpack, babel, material web components, Canvas

JS Tests Environment Jest, Travis

Tasks performed: In short amount of time we redesigned and recreated web application from the scratch, covering main logic with tests.

March-2016 - February 2018 - Frontend Developer, Toptal LLC,, remote

TopTracker is a lightweight application that helps you keep track of how you spend your time. Users can enable tracking for their own projects or for projects to which they are invited by other team members.

Tech stack: React.js, Flux/Redux, Immutable.js, Stylus, ejs, webpack, babel

JS Tests Environment Mocha, Chai, Karma, Sinon, Enzyme, Travis

Tasks performed: There were many responsibilities working on this project: starting from discussions of mockups and possible features and ending at implementation, deployment and delivery of that feature. The main work was performed by Kanban with regular deployments and mandatory unit testing and integration tests. We used GitHub and rebase workflow to keep history clean and predictable.

Apr-2015 - March-2016 - Senior Software Developer, EPAM Systems,

Customer: Unify

Project: UNIF-CIRC, Web application for messaging and with ability to make video calls.

Position: Key Developer

Tasks performed: I was in charge of development of new features, bug fixing, during development I made decisions regarding the architecture of the application and chosen the tools and technologies. I took part in regular meetings and demos with the customer.

Feb-2015 - Apr-2015 - Software Developer, EPAM Systems,

Customer: Adidas AG is a German multinational corporation that designs and manufactures sports shoes, clothing and accessories.

Project: ADI-OTH, Adidas Marketing Portal

Position: Developer

Tasks performed: I was a part of frontend team, my responsibility was: bug fixing and knowledge transfer, implementation of missed features. That was a "red" project with a missed deadline, so I helped the company to decrease damages because of missed deadline and solved necessarily by contract problems.

Sep-2014 - Nov-2014 - Software Developer, EPAM Systems,

Customer: Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company.

Project: EDM-STV, Smart TV application for Samsung.

Position: Developer

Tasks performed: I was responsible for the development of Smart TV application, testing it on the real TV, communication with Edmunds API. As a result, that application was shown on Samsung presentation in the USA.

Jun-2014 - Sep-2014 - Software Developer, EPAM Systems,

Customer: Kantar Media offers a range of media insights and audience measurement services through the analysis of print, radio, TV, internet, cinema, mobile, social media, and outdoor worldwide.

Project: KANT-SCOR, Platform for displaying data in multiple charts.

Position: Developer

Tasks performed: I was responsible for development and bug fixing, worked with business analytics, supported charts and worked hard under the deadline pressure and met the deadline in time.

Feb-2014 - May-2014 - Software Developer, freelance, remote.

Customer: Aurora Solutions is a private software development organization providing services in the area of software development and computational finance.

Project: Web application that helps individuals and organizations who work with FIX trading Protocol

Position: Developer

Tasks performed: I was responsible for frontend and backend development, I was in charge of all the stages of development from design to deployment.

Nov-2013 - Feb-2014 - Software Developer, freelance, remote.

Customer: Aurora Solutions is a private software development organization providing services in the area of software development and computational finance.

Project: Web application that allows passing test on ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) using a webcam.

Position: Software Developer, Key Developer

Tasks performed: I was responsible for frontend and backend development, I was in charge of all the stages of development from design to deployment, so I even created an environment on the server with apache server and Jenkins as a build tool.

Dec-2012 - Sep-2013 - Software Developer, Reid Consulting,

Customer: NearMe Limited provides a web and mobile location-based service that enable merchants and brands to offer relevant and targeted offers to consumers on the move.

Project: Nearme - location-based web service that helps to find great places around you.

Position: Developer

Tasks performed: As a software developer, I was responsible for frontend and backend development. I took part in daily calls and discussed with customer details of bugs and features.

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