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Created June 10, 2021 01:32
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import Foundation
// T는 비교 가능해야 하기 때문에 Comparable을 준수해야함
struct Heap<T: Comparable> {
// 실제 힙을 저장하는 장소
var nodes: [T] = []
private let sort: (T, T) -> Bool
init(sort: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool) {
self.sort = sort
// MARK: Insert, Delete
// struct이기 때문에 data를 insert하면 현재 값타입을
// 새로운 값타입으로 다시 그리기 때문에 mutating 키워드를 써야한다.
mutating func shiftUp(child: Int) {
var child = child
var parent = parentIndex(of: child)
// 노드의 제일 위까지 올라가거나, 부모의 노드 값과 비교했을 때 자기 자리일 때
while child > 0 && sort(nodes[child], nodes[parent]) {
nodes.swapAt(child, parent)
child = parent
parent = parentIndex(of: child)
mutating func shiftDown(parent: Int) {
var parent = parent
while true {
let left = leftChildIndex(of: parent)
let right = rightChildIndex(of: parent)
var candidate = parent
if left < nodes.count && sort(nodes[left], nodes[candidate]) {
candidate = left
if right < nodes.count && sort(nodes[right], nodes[candidate]) {
candidate = right
if candidate == parent {
nodes.swapAt(parent, candidate)
parent = candidate
mutating func insert(_ data: T) {
let lastIndex = nodes.count - 1
shiftUp(child: lastIndex)
mutating func remove() -> T? {
guard !nodes.isEmpty else { return nil }
nodes.swapAt(0, nodes.count - 1)
defer { shiftDown(parent: 0) }
return nodes.removeLast()
mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> T? {
guard index < nodes.count else { return nil }
if index == nodes.count - 1 {
return nodes.removeLast()
} else {
nodes.swapAt(index, nodes.count - 1)
defer {
shiftUp(child: index)
shiftDown(parent: index)
return nodes.removeLast()
// MARK: Private Methods
private func parentIndex(of child: Int) -> Int {
return (child - 1) / 2
private func leftChildIndex(of parent: Int) -> Int {
return (parent * 2) + 1
private func rightChildIndex(of parent: Int) -> Int {
return parent * 2
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