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Created December 10, 2018 18:54
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import sys
import argparse
import logging
import inspect
__all__ = ['ArgumentHandler','LOG_LEVEL','subcmd','reset_registered_subcommands']
logging.WARNING:'WARNING', logging.ERROR:'ERROR',
def default_log_config(level,args):
This is the default function used to configure the logging level.
# decorator
registered_subcommands = {}
registered_subcommands_help = {}
def subcmd(arg=None, **kwargs):
This decorator is used to register functions as subcommands with instances
of ArgumentHandler.
if inspect.isfunction(arg):
return subcmd_fxn(arg,arg.__name__, kwargs)
def inner_subcmd(fxn):
return subcmd_fxn(fxn, arg, kwargs)
return inner_subcmd
def subcmd_fxn(cmd_fxn,name,kwargs):
global registered_subcommands, registered_subcommands_help
# get the name of the command
if name is None:
name = cmd_fxn.__name__
registered_subcommands[name] = cmd_fxn
registered_subcommands_help[name] = kwargs.pop('help','')
return cmd_fxn
def reset_registered_subcommands():
Forget about all subcommands that have been registered using @subcmd.
global registered_subcommands, registered_subcommands_help
registered_subcommands = {}
registered_subcommands_help = {}
class Args(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def __init__(self, use_subcommand_help=False, enable_autocompletion=False, *args, **kwargs):
All constructor arguments are the same as found in `argparse.ArgumentParser`.
* `use_subcommand_help [=False]`: when printing out the help message, use a shortened
version of the help message that simply shows the sub-commands supported and
their description.
* `enable_autocompletion [=False]`: make it so that the command line
supports autocompletion
### extract any special keywords here
self._use_subcommand_help = kwargs.pop('use_subcommand_help',False)
self._enable_autocompletion = kwargs.pop('enable_autocompletion',False)
# some internal logic management info
self._logging_argument = None
self._logging_config_fxn = None
self._ignore_remainder = False
self._use_subcommands = True
self._subcommand_lookup = dict()
self._subcommand_help = dict()
self._has_parsed = False
# setup the class
if self._use_subcommand_help:
argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self,formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,*args,**kwargs)
def ignore_subcommands(self):
""" Force this ArgumentHandler to not handle any subcommands it might find or be given."""
self._use_subcommands = False
def set_logging_argument(self,*names,**kwargs): #,default_level=logging.ERROR,config_fxn=None):
Enable and set an optional argument for setting the logging level that will be
used by the built-in logging framework.
* `names` is the set of positional arguments that will set the logging
* `default_level` is the default logging level that will be set
* `config_fxn` allows special handling of the logger config.
Otherwise, basicConfig will be used. The config function should
accept two arguments - the first the logging level, the second the
full set of arguments past to the command.
# get the keyword args
default_level = kwargs.pop('default_level',logging.ERROR)
config_fxn = kwargs.pop('config_fxn',default_log_config)
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise ValueError('unexpected keyword arguments: %s' % ','.join(kwargs.keys()))
# check the names
longest_name = ''
for name in names:
if not name.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError('all logging level argument names must start with a "-"')
oname = name.replace('-','')
if len(oname) > len(longest_name):
longest_name = oname
self._logging_argument = longest_name
# covert default logging level to a string
if default_level not in LOG_LEVEL_STR_LOOKUP:
raise ValueError('the default logging level must be a valid logging level')
default_level = LOG_LEVEL_STR_LOOKUP[default_level]
self._logging_config_fxn = config_fxn
def add_argument(self,*args,**kwargs):
This has the same functionality as `argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
# just watch for the REMAINDER nargs to see if subcommands are relevant
if self._ignore_remainder and 'nargs' in kwargs and kwargs['nargs'] == argparse.REMAINDER:
self._use_subcommands = False
return argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument(self,*args,**kwargs)
def set_subcommands(self,subcommand_lookup):
Provide a set of subcommands that this instance of ArgumentHandler should
support. This is an alternative to using the decorator `@subcmd`. Note that
the total set of subcommands supported will be those specified in this method
combined with those identified by the decorator.
if type(subcommand_lookup) is not dict:
raise TypeError('subcommands must be specified as a dict')
# sanity check the subcommands
self._subcommand_lookup = {}
self._subcommand_help = {}
for cn,cf in subcommand_lookup.items():
if type(cn) is not str:
raise TypeError('subcommand keys must be strings. Found %s' % str(cn))
if type(cf) == tuple:
if not callable(cf[0]):
raise TypeError('subcommand with name %s must be callable' % cn)
self._subcommand_lookup[cn] = cf[0]
self._subcommand_help[cn] = cf[1]
elif not callable(cf):
raise TypeError('subcommand with name %s must be callable' % cn)
self._subcommand_lookup[cn] = cf
self._subcommand_help[cn] = ''
def parse_args(self,argv=None):
Works the same as `argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`.
global registered_subcommands, registered_subcommands_help
if self._has_parsed:
raise Exception('ArgumentHandler.parse_args can only be called once')
# collect subcommands into _subcommand_lookup
for cn,cf in registered_subcommands.items():
self._subcommand_lookup[cn] = cf
self._subcommand_help[cn] = registered_subcommands_help[cn]
if len(self._subcommand_lookup) == 0:
self._use_subcommands = False
# add in subcommands if appropriate
if not self._use_subcommands:
max_cmd_length = max([len(x) for x in self._subcommand_lookup.keys()])
subcommands_help_text = 'the subcommand to run'
if self._use_subcommand_help:
subcommands_help_text = '\n'
for command in self._subcommand_lookup.keys():
subcommands_help_text += command.ljust(max_cmd_length+2)
subcommands_help_text += self._subcommand_help[command]
subcommands_help_text += '\n'
cargs_help_msg = 'arguments for the subcommand' if not self._use_subcommand_help else argparse.SUPPRESS
# handle autocompletion if requested
if self._enable_autocompletion:
import argcomplete
# parse arguments
args = argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(self,argv)
self._has_parse = True
return args
def run(self,argv=None,context_fxn=None):
This method triggers a three step process:
1) Parse the arguments in `argv`. If not specified, `sys.argv` is
2) Configure the logging level. This only happens if the
`set_logging_argument` was called.
3) Run the appropriate subcommand. This only happens if subcommands
are available and enabled. Prior to the subcommand being run,
the `context_fxn` is called. This function accepts one argument -
the namespace returned by a call to `parse_args`.
The parsed arguments are all returned.
# get the arguments
args = self.parse_args(argv)
# handle the logging argument
if self._logging_argument:
level = eval('args.%s' % self._logging_argument)
# convert the level
level = eval('logging.%s' % level)
# call the logging config fxn
# generate the context
context = args
if context_fxn:
context = context_fxn(args)
if self._use_subcommands:
# create the sub command argument parser
scmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='%s %s' % (self.prog,args.cmd))
# handle the subcommands
return args
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