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Forked from bhughes339/
Created March 15, 2023 00:38
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Dictionary-like class that automatically tries to typecast each scalar value to a standard type
from collections import UserDict
from import Iterable, Mapping
import json
class AutoTypeDict(UserDict):
"""Dictionary-like class that automatically tries to typecast each
scalar value to a standard type.
Values are only typecasted when the `AutoTypeDict` instance is
updated directly, so avoid using type-specific operations on mutable
objects within the dictionary (e.g. `list.append`, `dict.update`).
If using these methods is unavoidable, call the `.refresh()`
instance method to re-process the dictionary.
Alternatives to common type operations:
Operation | Non-typecasted | Typecasted
:--- | :--- | :---
Append to list | `td["list"].append(v)` | `td["list"] += [v]`
Update dict | `td["dict"].update({k: v})` | `td["dict"][k] = v`
Merge dict | `td["dict"].update(other_dict)` | `td["dict"] \|= merge_dict` [1]
[1]: Python 3.9 or later
data (dict): Underlying data object as a pure `dict`.
>>> d = {"foo": {"baz": "42"}, "bar": {"baz": "n/a", "qux": "true"}}
>>> AutoTypeDict(d) # typecast every value
{'foo': {'baz': 42}, 'bar': {'baz': None, 'qux': True}}
>>> AutoTypeDict(d, ignored_keys=("baz",)) # ignore "baz"
{'foo': {'baz': '42'}, 'bar': {'baz': 'n/a', 'qux': True}}
>>> AutoTypeDict(d, ignored_keys=("bar.baz",)) # ignore d["bar"]["baz"]
{'foo': {'baz': 42}, 'bar': {'baz': 'n/a', 'qux': True}}
>>> td = AutoTypeDict()
>>> = d # updating data attribute to ignore typecasting
{'foo': {'baz': '42'}, 'bar': {'baz': 'n/a', 'qux': 'true'}}
def __init__(
d: Mapping | None = None,
ignored_keys: Iterable[str] = (),
null_values: Iterable = ("null", "n/a", "none"),
bool_values: Iterable[tuple] = (("yes", "no"), ("true", "false")),
"""Inits AutoTypeDict.
d: Initial dictionary data. Defaults to `None`.
ignored_keys: List of object keys to exempt from typecasting.
Each entry can either be a single key or a simple JSONPath-like
sequence of keys (e.g. ""). Defaults to `()`.
null_values: List of values to consider as `None`. Defaults to
`("n/a", "none")`.
bool_values: List of string pairs to consider as `bool`, where
the first value is `True` and the second value is `False`.
Defaults to `(("yes", "no"), ("true", "false"))`.
self.ignored_keys = ignored_keys
self.null_values = null_values
self.bool_values = bool_values
def __setitem__(self, key, item):[key] = self._typecast_object(item, _keys=(key,))
def __ior__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, UserDict): |= self._typecast_object(
else: |= self._typecast_object(other)
return self
def _typecast_object(self, d: Iterable, _keys: tuple = ("",)):
"""Recurse through an object and attempt to typecast each scalar
value to a standard data type.
d: Object to typecast
_keys: Key of object, used for recursion
Iterable: The input object with all scalar values typecast.
if isinstance(d, Mapping):
return type(d)(
(k, self._typecast_object(v, _keys + (k,))) for k, v in d.items()
elif isinstance(d, Iterable) and not isinstance(d, (str, bytes)):
return type(d)(self._typecast_object(v, _keys) for v in d)
if (_keys[-1] in self.ignored_keys) or (".".join(_keys) in self.ignored_keys):
return d
return self._typecast_string(str(d)) if isinstance(d, (str, bytes)) else d
def _typecast_string(self, s: str):
"""Try to typecast a string as a standard data type and return
the result.
s: String to be typecast
any: The input value as the most appropriate standard type.
s_l = s.lower().strip()
if not s_l: # blank
return None
if s_l in self.null_values: # null
return None
if s_l in [x for y in self.bool_values for x in y]: # bool
return s_l in [x[0] for x in self.bool_values]
if pct := s_l.endswith("%"): # percentage
s_l = s_l[:-1]
num = int(s_l) # int
except ValueError:
num = float(s_l) # float
except ValueError:
return s.strip()
return (num / 100) if pct else num
def refresh(self):
"""Typecast the entire dictionary in place. Call this method if
changes have been made to the dictionary contents that did not
directly add or update a key (e.g. appending values to a `list`
with `.append`, updating a nested `dict` with `.update`).
>>> d = {"foo": ["42", "false"]}
>>> td = AutoTypeDict(d)
>>> print(td)
{'foo': [42, False]}
>>> td["foo"].append("n/a")
>>> print(td)
{'foo': [42, False, 'n/a']}
>>> td.refresh()
>>> print(td)
{'foo': [42, False, None]}
""" = self._typecast_object(
def to_json(self, **kwargs):
"""Return this object as a JSON-formatted string.
`kwargs` are passed directly to the `json.dumps` function.
str: JSON-formatted string
class TypedEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, AutoTypeDict):
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
return json.dumps(,
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