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Last active February 12, 2018 13:22
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Et forsøk på litt fargehysteri
// ==UserScript==
// @name Fixrbkweb
// @version 1.0
// @description Legg til ukedager i sin kampoversikt
// @author Sinna mann
// @match*.php
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Your code here...
var weekdays= ["Søn", "Man", "Tir", "Ons", "Tor", "Fre", "Lør"];
// Endre for å matche dine preferanser her
const colorResults = true,
colorNextMatch = true,
nextMatchColor = 'lightgreen',
winColor = '#AAFFAA',
drawColor = '#FFFFAA',
lossColor = '#FFAAAA';
// Sannsynligvis ikke behov for å tukle med noe under denne linja
// Tegn vi vil bytte ut for å slippe å introdusere kjipe linjeskift
var replacements = {
' ': ' ',
'-': '‑'
var year = document.URL.match(/rbkweb\.no\/kamper(\d\d\d\d)\.php/)[1];
var now = new Date();
var foundNext = false;
$("center > table > tbody > tr").has("td.kamp").each(function() {
var match = $(this).children("td:first-child").html().match(/(\d*)\/(\d*)/);
var myDateString = year + "-" + match[2] + "-" + match[1];
var date = new Date(myDateString);
var myday = date.getDay();
$(this).children("td:first-child").html(weekdays[myday] +" "+match[1]+"/"+match[2]);
var timeString = $(this).children("td").eq(3).text().match(/(\d\d):(\d\d)/);
if(colorNextMatch && timeString) {
var kampStart = new Date(myDateString + " " + timeString[1]+":"+timeString[2]);
var kampSlutt = new Date(kampStart);
kampSlutt.setMinutes(kampStart.getMinutes() + 105);
if(!foundNext && kampSlutt >= now) {
foundNext = true;
$(this).children("td").css('background-color', nextMatchColor);
} else if(colorResults) {
// Fargelegg resultater
var resultColor = "grey";
var homeMatch = $(this).children("td").eq(1).text().startsWith("Rosenborg");
var goals = $(this).children("td").eq(3).text().match(/(\d+)-(\d*)/);
if(goals) {
resultColor = drawColor;
if(goals[1]>goals[2]) {
resultColor = homeMatch ? winColor : lossColor;
if(goals[1]<goals[2]) {
resultColor = homeMatch ? lossColor : winColor;
$(this).children("td").eq(3).css('background-color', resultColor);
// Fiks så ingen tabell-celler går over mer enn én linje.
var element = $(this);
if(element.children("a").length > 0)
element = element.children("a");
var content = element.html();
for(var rep in replacements) {
content = content.replace(new RegExp(rep, "g"), replacements[rep]);
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jQueryfied quite a bit more, now doing updates for all table cells in a loop, and using object properties to define the replacement characters. Such clever.

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