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Created October 3, 2021 01:51
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Smallest substring containing a sequece of characters.
// point 1: Create a hash to capture the characteristics of the 'smallString' - what are the chars and count of its char
// Use two pointers (left & right - initially pointing to the start of 'bigString' ) and start scanning from left to right
* @param h1 (bigger string)
* @param h2 (smaller string)
* @return {boolean}
function hashesMatching(h1, h2) {
for (let key in h2) {
if (key in h1) {
if (h1[key] < h2[key]) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
function smallestSubstringContaining(bigString, smallString) {
const hashSmallString = {};
for (let char of smallString) {
if (char in hashSmallString) {
hashSmallString[char] += 1;
} else {
hashSmallString[char] = 1;
bigString.length === smallString.length
? bigString.length
: bigString.length - smallString.length;
let [left, right] = [0, 0];
// left should always point to a char that's in smallString
while (
hashSmallString[bigString[left] === undefined] &&
) {
left += 1;
if (left === LEFT_BOUNDARY) return "";
right = left;
// Let's expand by moving the right pointer
const hashBiggerString = {};
let result = "";
while (right < bigString.length) {
let char = bigString[right];
if (char in hashSmallString) {
if (char in hashBiggerString) {
hashBiggerString[char] += 1;
} else {
hashBiggerString[char] = 1;
if (hashesMatching(hashBiggerString, hashSmallString)) {
let matchedString = bigString.slice(left, right + 1);
if (result === "" || matchedString.length < result.length) {
result = matchedString;
// start contracting the window by moving left to the right
// left will move till the updated window contains the 'smallString'
while (left < right) {
// remove the current character pointing by left
let currentLeftChar = bigString[left];
if (currentLeftChar in hashBiggerString) {
hashBiggerString[currentLeftChar] -= 1;
left += 1;
if (hashesMatching(hashBiggerString, hashSmallString)) {
matchedString = bigString.slice(left, right + 1);
if (result === "" || matchedString.length < result.length) {
result = matchedString;
} else {
right += 1;
while (left < LEFT_BOUNDARY) {
// contract the window and see if there's any better alternative than 'result'
if (hashesMatching(hashBiggerString, hashSmallString)) {
let matchedString = bigString.slice(left, right + 1);
if (result === "" || matchedString.length < result.length) {
result = matchedString;
// remove the current character pointing by left
let currentLeftChar = bigString[left];
if (currentLeftChar in hashBiggerString) {
hashBiggerString[currentLeftChar] -= 1;
left += 1;
} else {
left += 1;
return result;
const bigString = "ADOBECODEBANC";
const smallerString = "ABC";
console.log(smallestSubstringContaining(bigString, smallerString));
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